ALGC Application deadline have been extended to March 7, 2025
ALGC is a fully online asynchronous two-year Master’s of Education (M.Ed) program that annually admits one global cohort of students from three collaborating universities: UBC (UBC – Canada), University of the Western Cape (UWC-South Africa), and Linköping University (LiU-Sweden). Students from all three universities participate together online, as one learning community from several continents and many unique local contexts. Faculty members from each collaborating university teach two or more of the seven core courses that comprise the curriculum of ALGC. UBC students, in addition to the 7 core courses, take three additional electives (9 credits) to complete their program requirements. In addition to the core curriculum, ALGC students also have the opportunity to engage with special interest global learning communities focused on topics of interest (e.g. climate and sustainability, workplace development and learning; equity, diversity, inclusion and decolonization, etc.).
The ALGC program is designed for individuals who require a flexible schedule and who wish to understand adult learning in the context of global change, and thereby improve their professional practice. The courses in this program will benefit those working with adults in formal and informal educational settings, including higher education and student affairs; human resource development in business, industry and government; activist organizations; international and/or community development; non-governmental organizations; and healthcare settings.
After completing this program students will be able to:
- Critically analyze dominant and alternative theories and discourses of globalization
- Identify the various ways that local context shapes adult learning and relevant public policy
- Analyze how relationships can foster change through adult learning
- Plan learning interventions that help adults increase their influence over the direction and pace of local and global change
- Nurture and carry forward global networks of adult learning professionals
- Recognize culturally-mediated and context-specific frameworks for understanding education, research, and learning
Stories from ALGC
Prospective applicants to the ALGC program often want to talk to students who are currently in the program, or are recent graduates. Unfortunately, privacy legislation, and UBC Bylaws do not permit us to post contact information for students. We have however, had some students provide us with a brief video describing why they enrolled in the program, and their perspective of the ALGC experience.
Admissions Requirements for Graduate Study
All graduate program applicants in the Department of Educational Studies (EDST) must meet the minimum entry requirements established by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, which oversees graduate work at UBC. Applicants who do not meet the minimum requirements will be considered for admission only in exceptional circumstances.
The ALGC program is for those seeking a web-based master’s degree that provides multiple perspectives on the role adult learning plays as individuals and communities engage with globalization.
The program is also for those interested in international development work; cross-cultural education and training; the role of education in addressing various global health and environmental issues, promoting social justice in the face of economic globalization.
Applicants should be internally motivated learners who are sensitive to cultural differences in worldview, communication styles, learning preferences and instructional approaches. Online programs such as this require a high degree of self-direction, motivation and organization.
Students are admitted through one of the four cooperating universities and fulfill program requirements as set by the admitting institution. UBC invites applications from those residing in the Americas and Asia.
Please Note: this is a non-thesis master’s program. Although it is possible to complete a directed study project as an elective, applicants who intend to pursue doctoral study should consider applying for a thesis-based master’s program that places greater emphasis on research.
Students are expected to sign on to courses several times a week, and should be prepared to devote as much time as needed to assigned readings, discussion groups, interaction with learning partners, and assignments. Those students who need weekly class meetings to structure their learning should consider our on-campus master’s programs. Please read the information below before submitting your electronic application.
To be eligible for admission to a master’s degree program at UBC, applicants must hold a four-year bachelor’s degree (apart from applicants from Quebec) with a minimum overall average in the B+ range (at UBC 76%) in third- and fourth-year courses prescribed by the Department concerned as prerequisite to the master’s program.
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies - Minimum Academic Requirements: Canadian or U.S. Credentials
Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies - Minimum Academic Requirements: International Credentials
English Requirements
English Proficiency Test Score: Applicants whose degrees are from a university outside Canada in which English is not the primary language of instruction must present evidence of competency to pursue studies in the English language prior to being extended an offer of admission. Acceptable English language proficiency tests for applicants to graduate studies are:
- TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): Minimum score of 600 (paper version), 250 (computer version), 92 with a minimum of 22 in each component (iTB) is required for admission to all programs in Educational Studies. Visit TOEFL’s website
- IELTS (International English Language Testing Service): Minimum overall band score of 6.5 with no other component score less than 6.0.
- MELAB (Michigan English Language Assessment Battery): Minimum overall score of 81.
Tests must have been taken within the last 24 months at the time of submission of your application. The official test score must be sent directly from the test centre to Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies at UBC. Please follow the instructions on score submission on the Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website:
ALGC Program Requirements
Required Courses
Required courses in the program are sequenced so that all requirements can be completed in 24 months. The nine credits of electives may be taken at any time and are usually selected from on-campus courses (for those who reside in the Vancouver area), from various distance-mode courses available at UBC, and from directed studies courses tailored to your interests.
Several exchange agreements also permit UBC students to take graduate courses at various Canadian universities.
NOTE: The first course in the program begins in mid-August. All the requirements of the program can be completed online; there is no requirement that students attend any meetings or courses on the UBC campus
Year One Required Courses | |
EDST 540, Locating Oneself in Global Learning I | (3 credits taught by UBC) |
EDST 541, Adult Learning: Contexts and Perspectives | (3 credits taught by LiU) |
EDST 575, Work and Learning | (3 credits taught by UBC) |
EDST 542, Fostering Learning in Practice | (3 credits taught by LiU) |
Year Two Required Courses | |
EDST 544, Global/Local Learning | (3 credits taught by UWC) |
EDST 543, Understanding Research | (3 credits—teaching rotated among the four universities) |
EDST 540, Locating Oneself in Global Learning II | (3 credits taught by UBC) |
Equipment and Web Access
Regular internet access is essential in this program. Applicants should have ready access to a computer capable of running a modern operating system and software, as well as capability to view online video and engage in online collaborative and videoconferencing technologies. The student will also need ready access to a printer.
Software required includes the following:
- a word processor
- an email program like Outlook Express, Outlook, Eudora, Gmail, Thunderbird etc.
- Adobe Acrobat Reader (free to download from
- a recent version of a browser: Firefox (, Chrome (, or Internet Explorer (
- a good virus checker
Web access should be via a broadband/network connection. Applicants should have experience using Windows or another operating system to produce text documents; to cut, paste and save text material; and to access and download materials from the web. The courses in this program are delivered using the Lisam web platform. The first course in the program will orient students to Lisam and provide experience using its features.
Apply Online:
The number of graduate students who can be accommodated is limited and only the most qualified applicants can hope to secure places. To ensure that all applicants are treated equitably, your application will go through several stages before a decision is made on acceptance or rejection. Once your transcripts have been reviewed to determine if you are eligible for admission to graduate study at UBC, several faculty members in scholarly areas related to your area of interest will read your application and individually assess your suitability for admission.
As well as evaluating all components of your application, we must be convinced by the statement of intent that your academic interests are congruent with those of the department and the ALE program, that your background is adequate for graduate work in your area of interest, and that the department and university possess the necessary resources for you to complete the degree.
You will be informed of the department’s decision by May 8th. The department must recommend all applicants to the Faculty of Graduate Studies for admission. If you are admitted conditionally, subject to completing a degree in progress or courses, these conditions will be included in the offer of admission. Successful applicants are asked to inform the department by May 22nd whether they are accepting a place in the Department of Educational Studies.
Applications should be submitted online at All of the following components of an application must be received by the department’s Graduate Program Assistant before the file can be reviewed by the ALGC admissions committee.
a. Online UBC application form. When you submit an online application at, the completed form is automatically forwarded to the Graduate Program Assistant. A non-refundable processing fee, payable to UBC.
b. Upload digital copies (.pdfs) of official transcripts. See Digital Copies of Official Transcripts tab for details.
c. Three references – The purpose of the references is to give as complete an idea as possible of your relevant background and capacity to complete the degree. Two of the references should be from a course instructor or other person able to assess your academic ability. Other suitable referees include a supervisor, president, academic dean, or another person to whom you are, or have been, accountable in employment or as a volunteer. The reference letters must be in English. If the original letter is in another language, the letter must be accompanied by a certified English translation. There are three possible formats for references:
- Electronic references: In the online application system, applicants are asked to provide an email address for each referee. Once the online application has been submitted, a unique link will be emailed to each referee, allowing them to log in to a secure site and submit an online reference or upload a reference document as an attachment.
- Letters of reference: Your referee may wish to send a paper letter. Paper letters of reference should be on referee’s official letterhead and signed. It must be mailed directly by the referee to the EDST Program Office to the following address in a sealed and endorsed envelope.
EDST Program Assistant
Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education
Ponderosa Commons North (Oak House)
2005 - 6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
V6T 1Z2 -
Reference forms: UBC provides a general reference form. Your referee may fill out this form and mail it directly to the EDST Program Office in a sealed and endorsed envelope.
- All references must be sent by referees directly. Reference letters or forms submitted by the applicant will not be accepted.
- The application system and department are unable to accept referee emails from Hotmail, Yahoo, Gmail, MSN or other free email accounts.
- By “sealed, endorsed envelope” we mean that the envelope needs to be sealed and that the signature of the referee be placed over the seal (i.e., partially on the flap and partially on the rest of the envelope).
d. Letter of intent. You must describe in one to two pages your specific reasons for participating in the ALGC program, and precisely why you are applying. This statement should highlight:
- why you are applying to the ALGC program
- information on your background and experience in adult education (both employment and volunteer work). Please submit a copy of your CV or Resume
- how you see your life experience contributing to the program
- what you hope to gain from the program
e. Writing Sample
You must provide a writing sample that will serve as evidence of your potential to write at the graduate level. The Admissions Committee must be able to judge your ability to think critically and write clearly. Writing samples typically take the form of academic or scholarly papers from previous studies (normally 10–15 pages in length). They can, however, take various forms, such as professional documents, reports, workshop materials, or journalistic pieces. If you have questions about your writing sample, please contact the ALGC Coordinator. Please include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if you wish to have your submission returned.
After submitting your application, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all supporting materials are submitted by the application deadline. The Admissions Committee will only review completed applications. You can check the status of your application and supporting materials through the online application system
Applicants from outside Canada should be aware of additional requirements that may apply. Please read the following to determine which of these requirements may apply to you.
International Credentials Equivalency
Please see the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies website:
International Transcripts and Translation Requirements
See International Transcripts and Translation Requirements tab for detail
Entering Canada
To enter Canada, a “Student Authorization” (Student Visa) is required. Apply as soon as possible to the nearest Canadian Consular or Immigration Office since it may take 8–10 weeks for processing. For applicants applying from the People’s Republic of China it may take 3–6 months. Applying for a Student Authorization requires a UBC letter of admission/acceptance; a valid passport; and evidence of adequate funds for tuition, maintenance of the student and, if married, the student’s spouse and children, plus travel funds to and from Canada. Please consult the Immigration Canada website:
If the application for a visa is approved, the UBC letter of admission/acceptance will be returned to the student and must be retained for presentation to the Immigration Officer at the Canadian point of entry.
Canadian Transcripts
UBC has changed its application document requirements.
If you are applying to begin study after 2016, you will normally scan and upload digital copies (.pdfs) of official required documents in the application system. These are considered "unofficial documents". These uploaded copies of your official documents will be used for initial evaluation of the applicant.
Conditional admission offers may be made based on documents uploaded to the application system. However, admission offers will not be finalized and applicants will not be allowed to register in a graduate program until one set of all required official academic records are received and validated by the University.
Applicants with Canadian transcripts (other than UBC) must obtain an official paper transcript for every post-secondary institution they have attended. UBC transcripts are not required.
Each transcript should be scanned as an individual .pdf file and then uploaded to the application system as indicated. They should be named: "Applicant Full Name-Document Description.extension"
Kelly Smith-University of Waterloo Transcript.pdf
Kelly Smith-CV.pdf
Kelly Smith-Journal of Neurosciences Paper.pdf
Transcripts must be scanned front and back. All pages of one transcript, front and back, should be uploaded as a single file (rather than a separate file for each page).
To be considered official, academic records must either be received in official university envelopes, sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution, or be sent via secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.
If you have been offered admission conditional upon receipt of official documentation, you must provide UBC with one set of official transcripts for every postsecondary institution you have attended for the equivalent of one year or more of full-time study. UBC reserves the right to also require any individual applicant to provide official transcripts for study of less than one year duration. Do not send official transcripts before receiving an offer of admission unless you have received special instructions from the graduate program to which you have applied.
Documents being provided to meet conditions of admission should be sent directly to:
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
University of British Columbia
6371 Crescent Rd
Vancouver, BC CANADA V6T 1Z2
You do not need to submit UBC transcripts as part of your graduate application, as this data is already available through the student database system. However, be aware that you are still responsible for submitting transcripts from all other post-secondary institutions that you have attended (e.g., exchange year, transfer year, etc.).
International Transcripts and Translations
Applicants with transcripts from non-Canadian post-secondary institutions must obtain an official paper transcript for every post-secondary institution they have attended.
Each transcripts should be scanned as an individual .pdf file and then uploaded to the application system as indicated. Otherwise, they should be named: "Applicant Full Name-Document Description.extension"
Peng Zhang-Peking University Transcript.pdf
Peng Zhang-Peking University Transcript English Translation.pdf
Peng Zhang-CV.pdf
Peng Zhang-Journal of Neurosciences Paper.pdf
Transcripts must be scanned front and back. All pages of one transcript, front and back, should be uploaded as a single file (rather than a separate file for each page).
If you have transcripts that are issued in a language other than English, then in addition to uploading digital copies of the documents in their original language, you must also upload a certified literal English translation of your transcripts from your home university's translation service or certified English translator.
Please consult the document scanning and uploading instructions provided within the online application for detailed instructions.
To be considered official, academic records must either be received in official university envelopes, sealed and endorsed by the issuing institution, or be sent via secure electronic delivery by the issuing institution.
After being offered admission: If you have been offered admission conditional upon receipt of official documentation, you must provide UBC with one set of official transcripts for every postsecondary institution you have attended for the equivalent of one year or more of full-time study. UBC reserves the right to also require any individual applicant to provide official transcripts for study of less than one year duration.
If an official transcript does not indicate the degree name and the degree conferral date, then an official copy of the degree certificate must also be submitted
If your university issues only one original copy of transcripts/degree certificates:
Make photocopies of your original academic records and send them to your home university. Ask your home university to:
- verify that the photocopies are consistent with their records.
- attest that the copies are true photocopies and stamp them with an official university stamp.
- put the attested, stamped photocopies in sealed envelopes endorsed by the Registrar.
- mail the sealed, endorsed envelopes directly to Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
If your transcripts are issued in a language other than English:
- arrange to have a set of all official transcripts issued in their original language.
- obtain a certified literal English translation of your transcripts from your home university's translation service.
- send both the original transcripts and the literal English translation to UBC Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
If your home university does not provide English translations of transcripts:
- make a photocopy of your copy of your transcripts. Do not open a sealed, endorsed envelope containing transcripts intended for submission to your program.
- take the copy to a certified English translator and ask them to provide a complete, word-by-word, literal English translation.
- tell the translator to put both the original language photocopy and the English translation into a sealed envelope, and endorse the envelope by signing across the seal.
- send the sealed, endorsed envelopes from the translator to UBC Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
- send your original transcripts in the original language to UBC Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies.
Note: Academic records must be translated in their entirety, including any information that appears on the reverse side of any document.
UBC does not accept the following:
- photocopies that have not been stamped, attested and endorsed by the Registrar at your home university
- documents in envelopes that have been opened
- documents that do not arrive in sealed envelopes endorsed by the issuing institution or certified translator
- documents that arrive without the official seal of the university
- photocopies notarized by a notary public
- photocopies endorsed by a lawyer, professor, judge etc.
- unofficial translations
- non-literal translations
Do not send academic records that are not in sealed and endorsed envelopes. It will only delay the processing of your application.
Documents being provided to meet conditions of admission should be sent directly to:
Graduate & Postdoctoral Studies
University of British Columbia
6371 Crescent Rd
Vancouver, BC CANADA V6T 1Z2
For any components of the application that cannot be uploaded, they can be submitted to the department’s graduate program assistant at the following address (Please note: faxed & emailed reference letters will not be accepted):
Graduate Program Assistant
Faculty of Education - Department of Educational Studies
Education Centre at Ponderosa Commons
6445 University Boulevard
Vancouver, British Columbia
V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.6647
Fax: 604.822.4244
ALGC Program Fees
For current information about Master's Programs fees, please visit UBC Calendar.
Please see Section III: Fees, Financial Assistance and Scholarships, Master of Education, ALGC.
(Note: the university reserves the right to adjust tuition and fees at any time.)
Annual tuition is paid in three instalments (September, January and May).
(Note: additional student fees are required by the University and can be found in the online University Calendar, Student Fees.)
If students must interrupt their program for family, medical, or other reasons, a reduced on-leave fee will apply. Telecommunication access and time charges are the student’s responsibility as are costs for textbooks or other required instructional materials not accessible on the web.
Deadlines for applications
Deadlines for the EDST ALGC program can be found on the EDST website.
Contact Us
Quick links:
Deadlines | Eligibility | English requirements |
Housing | How to Apply | FAQ - Prospective Students |
Tuition |
For more information about this program, contact:
EDST Graduate Program Assistant