Professor Emeritus
Research Interests
Additional Activities
Research and Education
Selected Publications
Selected recent publications (2012 – 2024):
Schuetze, H., de Vries, W., & Alvarez Mendiola, G. (2024). Digitalization of Higher Education: An Introduction to the Issues. Journal of Comparative & International Higher Education, 16(2). Link
Slowey, M. & Schuetze, H.G. (2023) Widening Access to Higher Education: Changing Demographics. Overcoming Old Barriers and the Role of Lifelong Learning, in G. Parry, M. Osborne and P. Scott (eds.), Access, Lifelong Learning and Education for All. Palgrave MacMillan. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-031-12342-9_5
Schuetze, H.G. (2022), Bildungsrecht – Einführung und Überblick (Education Law. – Overview and Introduction). Münster & New York: Waxmann. (link)
Slowey, M., Schuetze, H.G. & T. Zubrzycki (eds) (2020), Inequality, innovation and reform in higher education: Challenges of migration and ageing populations. Heidelberg & Berlin: Springer. (link)
Schuetze, H. G. (2019). Private Higher Education in Canada and the United States: Development, Reform, and Likely Futures. In P. Zgaga, U. Teichler, H. G. Schuetze & A. Wolter (Eds.), Higher Education Reform: Looking Back – Looking Forward (pp. 273-291). Second Edition. Frankfurt: Peter Lang. (link)
Schuetze, H.G. and Archer, W. (2019), Access to and Participation in Higher Education in Canada. In: Walter Archer and Hans G. Schuetze (eds) (2019), Preparing Students for Life and Work – Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education’s Principal Mission (pp 19-41). Leiden & Boston: Brill-Sense. (link)
Schuetze, H.G. (2019), Student Policies and Protests: The Student Movements of the 1960s and the 2012 Canadian “Maple Spring” In: Walter Archer and Hans G. Schuetze (eds) (2019), Preparing Students for Life and Work – Policies and Reforms Affecting Higher Education’s Principal Mission (pp 239-254). Leiden & Boston: Brill-Sense. (link)
Schuetze, H.G. (2015), Schule, Recht und Gerechtigkeit (Schools, the law, and equity). In Manitius, V., Hermstein, B. and N. Berkemeyer (eds) Zur Gerechtigkeit von Schule (Schools and equity), (pp. 51-71) Münster&New York: Waxmann (link)
Schuetze, H. G. (2014). From adults to non-traditional students to lifelong learners in higher education: Changing contexts and perspectives. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education (JACE), 20(2), 37-55. (link)
Schuetze, H. G. (2013), [The legal framework and legal issues of Higher Education in] Canada. In: Russo, C.J. (ed) Handbook of Higher Comparative Education Law (p.63-885). Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield (link)
Slowey, M., & Schuetze, H. G. (Eds.). (2012). Global perspectives on higher education and lifelong learners. London and New York: Routledge.(link)
Schuetze, H. G., & Alvarez Mendiola, G. (Eds.). (2012). State and market in higher education reforms Trends, policies and experiences in comparative perspective. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers. (link)
Schuetze, H. G. (2012). Universities and their communities – Engagement and service as primary mission. In L. McIlrath, A. Lyons & R. Munck (Eds.), Higher education and civic engagement – Comparative perspectives (pp. 61 – 77). New York: Palgrave Macmillan. (link)
Schuetze, H. G., Bruneau, W., & Grosjean, G. (Eds.). (2012). University governance and reform – Policy, fads, and experience in international perspective. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.(link)
EDST Activity
Courses taught
ADHE 511 | – Organization and Administration of Post-Secondary Education Training, cross listed with ADHE 516 |
ADHE 513 | – Current Issues In Higher Education |
ADHE 535 | – Comparative and International Higher Education |
ADHE565A | – Advanced Seminar in Higher Education and Training |
EDST 523 | – Comparative Education |
EDST 575 | – Work and Education |
EDST 577 | – The Social Context of Educational Policy |
EDST 565a | – Legal Issues in Education – An Introduction to Education and the Law |
EDST 565b | – Education and the Economy |
Community Work
Coordinator, Higher Education Reform Conferences. HER Conferences; International Advisory Board
Member of the Editorial Boards of the Journal for Adult and Continuing Education (Manchester University Press), and Frontiers of Education in China (Springer).
Honorary Professor, University of Glasgow (2019). Distinguished Member, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education (2009); recipient of Lifetime Contribution Award (2011) from the Higher Education Section of the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES).
Visiting professor, School of Education, Renmin University of China, Beijing (2017-2019)