Research and Education
Research Projects
Selected Publications
Edited with Cheryl Suzack, Jeanne Perreault, and Shari Huhndorf, Indigenous Women and Feminism: Politics,
Activism, Culture. Vancouver: UBC Press, forthcoming.
British Columbia: Spirit of the People. Madeira Park, BC: Harbour for BC150 and the Province of British
Columbia, 2008.
Edited with Robert A.J. McDonald and Jill Wade, Readings in the History of British Columbia. 3rd ed.
Kamloops: Thompson Rivers University, 2008. Also Burnaby: Open Learning Agency, 1997;
The West beyond the West: A History of British Columbia. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 3rd. ed.,
2007, rev. 1996, orig. 1991
With Jan Hare. Good Intentions Gone Awry: Emma Cosby and the Methodist Mission on the Northwest
. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006.
“Family Life at Fort Langley,” British Columbia Historical News 32, 4 (Fall 1999), 16-23.
With Bruce Watson. “Fort Colville’s Fur Trade Families and the Dynamics of Aboriginal Racial Intermixture in the Pacific Northwest,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly 90, 3 (Summer 1999), 140-53.
“What a Difference a Border Makes: Aboriginal Racial Intermixture in the Pacific Northwest,” Journal of
the West 38,3 (July 1999), 14-20.
“Invisible Women: Aboriginal Mothers and Mixed-Race Daughters in Rural British Columbia,” 159-79 in
R.W. Sandwell, ed., Beyond the City Limits: Rural History in British Columbia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999.
“Vancouver’s Forgotten Entrepreneurs: Women Who Ran Their Own Schools,” British Columbia
Historical News 31, 4 (Fall 1998), 21-29.
“Families vs. Schools: Children of Aboriginal Descent in British Columbia Classrooms of the Late
Nineteenth Century,” 73-89 in Edgar-Andre Montigny and Lori Chambers, ed., Family Matters: Papers in Post-Confederation Canadian Family History. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 1998.
“Taming Aboriginal Sexuality: Gender, Power, and Race in British Columbia, 1850-1900,” BC Studies: The
British Columbian Quarterly 115-16 (Fall-Winter 1997-98), 237-66. Reprinted in Mary Ann Irwin
and James F. Brooks, ed., Women and Gender in the American West (Albuquerque: University of
New Mexico Press, 2004), 210-35; J.M. Bumsted and Lent Kuffert, ed., Interpreting Canada’s Past: A Post-Confederation Reader, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004); Daniel Francis and Donald Smith, ed., Readings in Canadian History (Unionville ON: Thompson, 2006); Mary-Ellen
Kelm and Lorna Townsend, ed., In the Days of Our Grandmothers: A Reader in Aboriginal Women’s
History in Canada (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006), 270-300.
“Whatever Happened to the Kanakas?” The Beaver: Exploring Canada’s History 77:6 (December 1997/
January 1998), 12-19.
“’I walk my own track in life & no mere male can bump me off it’: Constance Lindsay Skinner and the Work
of History,” 129-63 in Beverly Boutilier and Alison Prentice, ed., Creating Historical Memory:
English-Canadian Women and the Work of History. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1997.
“Lost Okanagan: In Search of the First Settler Families,” Okanagan History 60 (1996), 8-20.
“Aboriginal Education at the Crossroads: The Legacy of Residential Schools and the Way Ahead,” 271-303 in
David Alan Long and Olive Patricia Dickason, ed., Visions of the Heart: Canadian Aboriginal Issues. Toronto: Harcourt, Brace, 1996. Reprinted in J.M. Bumsted and Lent Kuffert, ed., Interpreting Canada’s Past: A Post-Confederation Reader, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2004).
“New Land, New Lives: Hawaiian Settlement in British Columbia,” Hawaiian Journal of History 29 (1996),
“Neighbourhood and Community in Interwar Vancouver: Residential Differentiation and Civic Voting
Behaviour,” 97-141 in McDonald and Barman, ed., Vancouver Past above.
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Courses taught
Community Work
- Academic member, Archives and History Committee, United Church of Canada, 2009-
- Heritage consultant, City of Vancouver, City of Richmond, City of New Westminster,
Salmon Arm, University of British Columbia, Vancouver Convention Centre
projects, 2005- - Board member, Friends of the Vancouver Archives, 2004-
- Board member, Chinese Canadian History Society of British Columbia, 2003-
- Member, BC150 BC Moments Panel, Speaker’s Office, BC Government, 2008-09
- Judge, Province of Saskatchewan book prizes, 2008
- Consultant, Parks Canada, 2004-08
- Director, Pacific BookWorld News Society (BC BookWorld), 1994-
- Member, Vancouver City Council, Downtown Historic Greenway Committee, 2002-5
- Member, Vancouver Museum Revitalization Project, 2001-02
- Regular contributor, Almanac program, CBC Vancouver, 1998-2002
- Director, BC Heritage Trust, 1992-99, first vice-chair, 1994-98, chair 1998-99