November is upon us and as is the cold weather it seems! We hope everyone is managing to stay warm and cozy!
Student Rep Recruitment – Still Needed!
Interested in representing the EDST student body at the department level?
The following committees within the department are in need of student representatives. Student representatives play a key role in developing departmental policy and help direct the future of the department through collaborative participation with faculty and staff in committee work. Student representative bring their perspective to the work that is being done, and are encouraged to think through the “lens” of their fellow students when considering the work of the committee.
Committees in current need of student representation are:
- Adult learning and Global Change Program Committee
- Scholarships and Awards Committee
- EdD in Educational Policy and Leadership Management & Admissions Committee
- Graduate Programs Advisory Curriculum Committee (MEd Student representative needed)
- Merit Committee
- Undergraduate Programs Advisory Curriculum Committee
- ALGC Management & Admissions Committee
- EDST Department meetings (Reps needed from SCPE, ALGC, HIED, EdD)
- EDST Alumni Engagement Committee
Please let us know if you are interested in serving on a committee, and which committee that might be.
EDST Blog: New Post!
The EDST blog has a new post! This October EDST began hosting a Doctoral Colloquium. Once a month, doctoral students and candidates will present their research to department students, staff, and faculty. After their presentations, speakers will respond to audience questions. In this blog post, the Doctoral Colloquium coordinator, Yotam Ronen, summarizes the first of these presentations given by EDST PhD Candidate, Jed Anderson. Check it out here: https://blogs.ubc.ca/edst/2023/10/23/doctoral-colloquium-higher-education-beyond-hope/
Interested in writing for the blog? See the Call for Papers
Questions? Reach out to blog editor, Jessica Lussier, as edstblog.editor@ubc.ca
EDST Student Town Hall
The EDST GAA team are holding a Town Hall for all EDST students to share their opinions, concerns, and ideas about all things EDST. Feel free to come along if you want to make your voice heard! The details of the event are below:
When: Thursday November 9th
Time: 12-1pm
Where: Online
Register here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_5bxiy9RHMaQ6jEa
Zoom link: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/66795455124?pwd=RW94L2lDUjl0Qk5IM2lwb2s0SUFldz09
Meeting ID: 667 9545 5124
Passcode: 641287
Co-working sessions in November
Come and join us at our weekly co-working sessions this month for a collaborative study environment!
Monday 6th November 1-4pm PCOH 2012
Thursday 16th November 1-4pm ONLINE
Thursday 23rd November 1-4pm PCOH 2012
Monday 27th November 1-4pm PCOH 2012
Please register here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2lXdOhg6dCHtmvQ
EDST GAA PhD 1st Year Welcome Hike 2023
The GAAs organized a hike at Stanley Park for the 1st year PhDs to get to know Vancouver, connect with the GAAs and bond with each other on Saturday, October 27, 2023. It was a lovely day to get to know each other and enjoy Vancouver’s lovely Fall weather.
Save the Date! EDST Research Day 2024
The annual EDST Research Day event planning is in full swing and is scheduled to take place on April 5th 2024 from 10-5pm with a social event afterwards! Make sure to add the date to your diaries for what promises to be an amazing day of presentations, as always!
EDST Graduate Academic Assistants 2023
Eva Crowson, Jafar Iqbal, Silas Krabbe, & Elaine Teng
Department of Educational Studies, The University of British Columbia
On the traditional and unceded territories of xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Nation
E: edst.gaa@ubc.ca | W: http://blogs.ubc.ca/edstgaa | TW: @EDSTGradForum