EDST GAA May 2024 Newsletter

Hi everyone!


Hopefully May has been treating you well so far and we can all manage to enjoy some time outdoors as the weather looks set to be sunnier and warmer! This newsletter is going to be short and sweet, with just a few announcements for the month. 




Call for Blog Posts!


Thank you all for an amazing EDST Research Day this year! The turnout was fantastic and we heard some excellent and fascinating presentations from lots of speakers. Thank you to everyone who joined and to the EDST Faculty and Staff who made it possible. 


As a side note, for those of you who presented, any contributions to the EDST blog would be much appreciated – simply turn your presentation into a short blog post! 


New Blog Post


Speaking of the blog, there are a couple of new posts on the site – check them out if you have time! 



This is the second post in a new series from the EDST course 507D, “Topics in the History of Education: Histories Confronting White Supremacy.” Students in 507D collaborated to create blog posts that reflect on course topics. Co-authored by Lidia Jendzjowsky and Serena Pattar, this post explores how pervasive tropes in social studies textbooks shape the teaching of Canadian history. The authors examine how tropes can perpetuate colonialist narratives and discuss recent shifts in B.C. Curriculum.


This is the third and final post in a new series from the EDST course 507D, “Topics in the History of Education: Histories Confronting White Supremacy.”

Co-authored by Ruchika Bathla, Marc-André Fortin, and Phoebe Lee, this post looks at James Bruce, 8th Earl of Elgin’s impact on political institutions in Canada, China, and India. The authors analyze Elgin’s writings, revealing British colonialist and supremacist views and examine his role in shaping Canadian, Chinese, and Indian histories.


EDST 30th Anniversary – Call for Photos


As the 30th anniversary celebrations draw closer, the department are looking for any photos from students of EDST life that can be used in the slideshow! If you have anything you think might be appropriate, send them to carl.luk@ubc.ca 



EDST Graduate Academic Assistants 2024

Eva Crowson, Silas Krabbe, Aida Mohajeri, & Keenan Manning


Department of Educational Studies, The University of British Columbia

On the traditional and unceded territories of xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Nation

E: edst.gaa@ubc.ca | W: http://blogs.ubc.ca/edstgaa | TW: @EDSTGradForum 


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