I am not currently accepting graduate students for supervision.

Honorary Associate Professor | Associate Vice-President, Equity & Inclusion, https://equity.ubc.ca/our-team/arig-al-shaibah/
Public Reflections and Remarks
- Progress update on implementation of institutional equity, anti-racism priorities, June 10, 2024
- Statement on the 2024 International Women’s Day, March 7, 2024
- Celebrating Pink Shirt Day: Promoting acts of courage, February 28, 2024
- Navigating human rights and expression rights with an ethic of care, January 26, 2024
- National Day of Remembrance and Action Against Islamophobia, January 25, 2024
- International Holocaust Remembrance Day, January 25, 2024
- National Day of Remembrance and Actions on Violence Against Women, December 6, 2023
- Two-Spirit Coast Salish Mosaic Reveal, November 15, 2023
- Trans Day of Remembrance: A call to safeguard hard-won freedoms and rights, November 14, 2023
- Mahsa Amini Memorial Event, September 15, 2023
- Reconciling expression rights and equality rights to advance social equity, May 24, 2023
- UBC Hot Lunch Series: Introduction to Senior Leaders, May 31, 2023
- Acts of Kindness, Pink Shirt Day, February 23, 2023
- Unifying Perspectives on the Revolution in Iran, Devember 14, 2022
- A Gathering to Support the UBC Iranian Community, October 19, 2022
Research Interests
- Social (In)Equality
- ‘Race’, Racialization, and Racism
- Critical Human Rights Education
- Intergroup Relations and Dynamics
- Critical Intergroup Competencies and Anti-Racist Leadership Capacities
- Pedagogies for Competency Development/Capacity Building
- Organizational Behaviour (OD) and EDI Change Management
- Critical Policy and Discourse Analysis
- Educational Administration for Social Justice
Research Supervision Interests
Supervision of topics within the following programs:
- Educational Administration and Leadership (EDAL)
- Higher Education (HIED)
- Society, Culture and Politics in Education (SCPE)
Individual research Interests
Dr. Arig al Shaibah is UBC’s Associate-Vice President, Equity & Inclusion (AVPEI). As a member of the President’s and Provosts’ leadership teams, the AVPEI has a broad mandate to champion inclusive excellence and lead pan-institutional efforts to action UBC’s commitments to equity, inclusion, and antiracism priorities, as well as to promote and support university-wide capacity building for sustained systems change across both Vancouver and Okanagan campuses. Dr. al Shaibah has amassed over two decades of experience working in higher education, with over 15 years as a senior administrator in three Canadian research-intensive universities. Most recently, she served as McMaster University’s inaugural Associate Vice-President Equity & Inclusion, as Dalhousie University’s Vice-Provost Student Affairs and Interim Executive Director for Human Rights & Equity Services, and as Queen’s University’s Assistant Dean Student Life and Learning, as well as Assistant Dean Residence Life, Diversity, and Community Development. Prior to her work in higher education, Dr. al Shaibah spent nearly a decade working in number of community-based not-for-profit organizations serving a diversity of marginalized communities. Holding a PhD in Education (Cultural and Policy Studies) and a Master’s degree in Public Administration, Dr. al Shaibah describes herself as a scholar-practitioner. She has taught courses on ‘Race’ and Racism, Feminist Pedagogy, and Diversity & Human Rights Inquiry, and she has been actively engaged in EDI-related research and scholarly activities, examining questions of how to effectively build individual and institutional capacity for equitable, inclusive and anti-racist leadership and organizational change in higher education. In 2021, Dr. al Shaibah’s EDI leadership was recognized with the 2021 Angela Hildyard Award in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion granted by the Senior Women Academic Administrators of Canada.
Research and Education
Selected Publications
Refereed Publications
- al Shaibah, A. (2024). Diversifying the professoriate in Canadian academe: A case study of search processes and outcomes in a Faculty of Science. Canadian Journal of Educational Administration and Policy. In press (21 pages)
- al Shaibah, A. (2023). EDI leadership and change agency: analysis of democratic discourses of senior leaders. Canadian Ethnic Studies Journal, 55(1), 101 – 124.
- al Shaibah, A. & Poinar, S. (2021). Managing campus expression and equality rights: Contemporary considerations for Canadian universities, Canadian Journal of Human Rights, 10(1), 73 – 122.
Book Chapters
- al Shaibah, A. (2024). Advancing EDI goals in and through higher education: Implications for policy reform in Canadian academe. In H. Schuetze, M. Osborne, R. Zhang & A. Yirga Adamu (Eds.), International Higher Education Reform Conference Proceedings, (29 pages). Manchester United Press. In press
Works Submitted
- al Shaibah, A. (2024). Navigating Intergroup Distrust as an Equity Scholar-Practitioner and Senior Leader. For Special Issue of Studies in Social Justice on international conference theme, From Targeting in Academia to Promoting Trust and Understanding. (Dispatch)
- al Shaibah, A. (2024). Leveraging the Typology of Intergroup Competencies: A promising educational intervention for inclusive leadership in academe. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education. Submitted February 19, 2024 (Practice Brief)
Works in Progress for Refereed Publication
- al Shaibah, A. (2025). Higher Education, Transformative Leadership and EDI: Title of Chapter TBD. In Shirley Steinberg and Awad Ibrahim (Eds.), SAGE Handbook of Critical Leadership in Education.
- al Shaibah, A. (2024). Gender and racial equity in tenure & promotion: A Canadian Case Study of the Perceptions and Experiences of Faculty.
- Series on the use of EDI statements in faculty hiring
- Data analysis in progress; articles will be submitted in May and June 2024
- Three part series tentatively entitled: “Discursive Analysis of EDI Statements: Insights on Faculty Perspectives, Proficiencies, and Positionalities”
Articles and Opinion Pieces
- al Shaibah, A. (March 2024). The role of the senior equity leader in getting beyond a ‘diversity crisis’ mode of planning. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/ca/education
- al Shaibah, A. (August 11, 2020). How to mobilize and sustain EDI change in the academy. University Affairs.
Strategic Reports and Guides
- al Shaibah, A. (July 2022). Building a Race-Conscious Institution: A Guide and Toolkit for Executives and Senior University Administrators Enacting Anti-Racist Organizational Change, Ottawa, ON: Universities Canada.
- al Shaibah, A. & Barnett, R. (2022). Inclusive excellence in the research ecosystem: A guide for researchers. McMaster University.
- al Shaibah, A. (July 2021). EDI benefits, barriers, and best practices in Canadian academe: A systematic review of the literature making the case for inclusive excellence. McMaster University.
- al Shaibah, A. (2020). Towards Inclusive Excellence: A Report on McMaster’s EDI Strategy.
- al Shaibah, A. (2019). Towards Inclusive Excellence: McMaster University’s EDI Strategy.
Research Projects
Active Projects
“Gender and racial equity in tenure & promotion: A Canadian Case Study of the Perceptions and Experiences of Faculty.”
“Discursive Analysis of EDI Statements: Insights on Faculty Perspectives, Proficiencies, and Positionalities”
Graduate Student Research Assistants Supervised
Diversifying the professoriate in Canadian academe: A case study of search processes and outcomes in a Faculty of Science. UBC, 2023
- Oladipupo Ogenfeibo, PhD Sociology candidate
Discursive Analysis of EDI Statements: Insights on Faculty Perspectives, Proficiencies, and Positionalities. UBC, 2023/2024.
- Lily Ivanova, PhD Sociology candidate
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Courses taught
Courses previously taught at other universities:
- ARTSSCI 4C13–Diversity & Human Rights (2020/21, 2021/22), Arts & Science Program, McMaster University
- IDIS 302–Race & Racism (2014/15, 2015/16), Interdisciplinary Studies, Queen’s University
- GNDS 315–Feminist Pedagogies (2014/15), Gender Studies, Queen’s University
Students previously supervised as other universities:
Supervision of Undergraduate Student Thesis Projects
ARTSSCI 4C06–Individual Thesis, Arts & Science, McMaster University
- Rabeeyah Ahmed; Research Project: Citizenship Education (2020/2021)
- Faris Maklei; Research Project: Racialized Queer Resiliency (2020/2021)
- Sophie Poinar; Research Project: Free Speech vs. Hate Speech (2019/2020)
Supervision of Graduate Student Research Assistants
Inclusive Excellence in the Academic Ecosystem: Faculty Retention and Promotion, McMaster, 2021/22
- Sumangala Sasudevan, PhD Sociology candidate
- Zoe Lea, PhD Sociology candidate
Inclusive Excellence in Faculty Hiring 2.0: A Faculty of Science Case Study, McMaster, 2021/22
- Sumangala Sasudevan, PhD candidate
- Zoe Lea, PhD Sociology candidate
Inclusive Excellence in the Research Ecosystem: A Guide for Researchers, McMaster, 2021/22
- Rachel Barnett, PhD Political Science candidate
Inclusive Excellence in Faculty Hiring: A Faculty of Science Case Study, McMaster, 2019/20, 2020/21
- MijiaMurong, MD candidate
- Sumangala Sasudevan, PhD candidate