Research Interests
Individual Research Interests
Research and Education
Research Projects
Selected Publications
W. Bruneau and D.G. Duke, Jean Coulthard (Vancouver: Ronsdale Press, 2005), 219 pp.
W. Bruneau (with Donald C. Savage). Counting Out the Scholars: How Performance Indicators Undermine Universities and Colleges. Toronto: Lorimer, 2002. Pp. viii + 261.
Edited Books and Musical Works
W. Bruneau, Hans G. Schuetze & G. Grosjean, eds. University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, January 2012). 243 pp.
W. Bruneau and D.G. Duke, eds., scholarly and critical edition of J. Coulthard, Requiem Piece (Vancouver: Avondale Press, 2011).
W. Bruneau and Hans Schuetze, eds. Less State, More Market: University Reform in Canada and Abroad (Calgary: Canadian Journal of Higher Education/Special Issue, 2005). 126 pp.
W. Bruneau and J. Turk, eds. Disciplining Dissent: The Curbing of Free Expression in Academia and the Media. (Toronto: Lorimer, 2004). 223 pp.
Chapters and Articles
“Professors in Their Places: Governance in Canadian Higher Education,” in W. Bruneau, Hans G. Schuetze & G. Grosjean, eds. University Governance and Reform: Policy, Fads, and Experience in International Perspective (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, [May] 2012).
W. Bruneau, “Gilbert Murray, Bertrand Russell, and the Theory and Practice of Politics,” in C. Stray, ed., Reassessing Gilbert Murray (Oxford: Clarendon Press, April 2007), 201-216.
W. Bruneau, “Yours Obediently: Gilbert Murray and The Times,” in C. Stray, ed., Reassessing Gilbert Murray (Oxford: Clarendon Press, April 2007), 319-348.
W. Bruneau, “Elizabeth Poston and Jean Coulthard: Trans-Atlantic Composers,” in John Alabaster, ed., Elizabeth Poston, Post-Centenary (Stevenage, UK: Forster Country, 2007), 37-45.
W. Bruneau, “Quietly Flow the Dons: Toward a History of the Professoriate,” in L. Panayotidis and P. Stortz, eds., The Professoriate in History (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006).
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Courses taught