Please join us in congratulating Ji Ai Cho who successfully defended her EdD Dissertation on March 27 of 2024.
Transformative Learning Through Collaboration: Experiences Of Education Beyond Borders’ Members From Canada And Kenya
Lay Summary
Equitable transnational collaboration can be complex, as issues of power, privilege, and hierarchy come into play. This research examines the transformative learning by educators from Canada and Kenya as they came together to collaborate as members of Education Beyond Borders (EBB). The research reveals that in order to develop meaningful, deep collaborative relationships, the participants engaged in border work where they came to understand each other better by questioning cultural differences, and imbalances in power and knowledge due to the colonial legacy in Kenya and the Canadians members’ positionality in the Global North. Some elements of the indigenous African philosophy, Ubuntu, were visible in the working relationship among the educators developed. The participants experienced transformative learning that resulted in deeper self-awareness and a sense of solidarity with each other. This research is significant as it can add to conversations on transnational collaboration, teachers’ community of practice, transformative learning, the role of the indigenous African philosophy Ubuntu in the classrooms, and finally, the indigenization of education.
Supervisory Committee:
Dr. Bathseba Opini
Dr. Michelle Stack
We are thankful for the Examining Committee’s contribution and expertise.
Dr. Wanja Gitari, University of Toronto, External Examiner
Dr. Samson Nashon, Department of Curriculum & Pedagogy, University Examiner
Dr. Shauna Butterwick, Department of Educational Studies, University Examiner
Dr. Kerry Renwick, Chair of Examination Committee
Congratulations Ji Ai!
Dr. Hongxia Shan, Supervisor