Dr. Jason Ellis – CAFE Best Book Award

Congratulations Dr. Ellis on receiving the CAFE Publication Award for Single or Dual-Authored Book, 2017-2019!


From the CAFE Publication Award Committee citation:

“The CAFE Publications Award Committee unanimously recommended Dr. Jason Ellis’ single-authored book published in 2019 A Class By Themselves? The Origins of Special Education in Toronto and Beyond for this prestigious publication award. In their reviews, the Committee recognized the excellence of this publication in terms of originality and theoretical grounding, but also exuberantly appreciated the outstanding contribution of this book to the study and promotion of the Foundations of Education. The Committee members noted the incredible commitment that Dr. Ellis undertook in carefully examining the immense primary and secondary source documents from the Toronto Board of Education special education records from 1910 to 1945, and appreciated how this detailed work was able to shed contemporary light on historical debates on diversity and inclusion, but most importantly revealed the students and parents as historical actors in their own right. The Committee also appreciated the ways that Dr. Ellis’ detailed accounts provide sensitive and revealing intersections with issues of class, race, immigration, and language to broaden interest to educational scholars beyond critical disability studies, history of education and special education. Through this work Dr. Ellis has provided an original and disquieting picture of special education which is well-positioned to inform policy and ongoing debates.”