EDST Blog Editor

Call for Applications: EDST Blog Editor1

Job Description

EDST is seeking to hire a “Blog Editor” to manage the contents and publishing of its departmental Blog.


EDST seeks to hire an experienced Blog Editor from among its graduate students. The successful applicant will bring writing, editing, and technical skills and experience to the Blog. In addition, the successful candidate should also provide evidence of great communication, leadership, and organizational skills in relation to their responsibilities. This includes: leading a process of designing and promoting an editorial style for the medium in conjunction with the directions provided by the Editorial Board; proposing a set of goals for the medium that will reflect its editorial style; communicating with potential contributors and audiences; answering questions; ensuring deadlines are met; providing article feedback; ensuring style guide requirements are adhered to, and more.

Working With the Editorial Board/GAA Team

The Blog Editor will work under the guidance of EDST’s GAA Team. The GAA Team serves as the Blog’s Editorial Board. The Editorial Board sets the goals for the Blog and approves an annual editorial plan.


Devising an Approved Editorial Plan and Calendar

The Blog Editor is the go-to person for all content-related matters for the blog. They are responsible for the implementation of the editorial plan as well as the creation and management of a blog publication calendar to be approved by the Editorial Board. The Blog Editor identifies content types (written post, video, infographic, audio, and so on), chooses topics and related categories, assigns articles to writers, and approves or rejects writer pitches in alignment with the approved annual editorial plan.



  • The main role of the Blog Editor is to call for, edit, approve, and publish content aligned with the objectives of the EDST Blog and its editorial calendar for the year.
  • All content submitted for publication on the Blog is reviewed, edited, approved (or sent back to the writer for rewrites), scheduled, and published by the Blog The Blog Editor ensures content is published to the Blog in strict adherence to its objectives and goals and to its editorial calendar. Exceptions to the editorial calendar should be approved in advance by the Editorial Board.
  • The Blog Editor is expected to enhance the outreach of the blog within EDST and to the student community at UBC and beyond more generally.
  • The Blog Editor is expected to optimize the blog’s search function by assigning keywords to articles and ensuring those keywords are used appropriately.
  • The Blog Editor should be familiar with the legal and ethical issues that affect blogs and online content publishing, including relevant UBC policies, regulations and guidelines, as applicable, such as copyright and plagiarism law, and how to provide appropriate attribution through links to sources and avoiding publishing spam content.

Additional responsibilities include:

  • Manage and moderate the blog
  • Handle social media dissemination
  • Answer emails sent by contributors and respond to general
  • Liaise and consult with EDST’s Web & Communication Coordinator regarding technical and digital aspects of the
  • Write editorial content for the blog, as
  • Analyze web analytics data to gauge content performance and recommend development pathways for the Blog to the Editorial Board.



Applications to this position should be submitted to EDST’s GAA Team, via email, at edst.gaa@ubc.ca by 11:59pm on Sunday 19th October. Please submit your materials with the email heading “EDST Blog Editor Application.”


Eligible applicants must be:

  • enrolled in one of EDST’s graduate programs
  • a registered EDST graduate student at the time of application and during their entire term, if chosen.


The application should include:

  • A cover letter narrating the experience of the applicant in relation to digital media and blog editing;
  • An updated curriculum vitae;
  • One letter of reference that speaks to the candidate’s experience in this area and to relevant aspects of the position


Short listed candidates will be invited for an interview with current the GAA Team.


The Blog Editor will be hired as a GAA beginning as soon as possible, at a rate of 20 hours per month for a period of two years, provided that during their entire term they are active (registered) students in EDST and have not graduated. Salary for the position is $600 per month, based on $30 per hour.

Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Metis, Inuit, or Indigenous person. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

If you require any accommodations during the application or hiring process, please contact Holly-Kate Collinson-Shield: hollykate.collinsonshield@ubc.ca


1 The present job description draws on, cites, and builds on the article authored by Susan Gunelius (2021, November 18). What Does a Blog Editor Do? Retrieved from https://www.thoughtco.com/what-does-a-blog-editor-do-3476608