(Approved at Department Meeting – November 20, 2014 with Proviso to Revisit Policy in 2015)
Graduate students are eligible for reimbursement from the Graduate Student Travel and Research Presentation Fund per degree program. The Travel and Research Presentation Fund provides travel support to a maximum of $2,000 per graduate student per degree program. Applications are accepted year-round until the fund is depleted (the fiscal year is April 1 – March 31). The Department currently budgets $20,000 per annum to support students making public presentations of their research at scholarly or professional events.
The presentation of research must take place while the student is enrolled in an EDST graduate degree program. Students must present proof that they have applied for the G+PS Graduate Student Travel Fund and the Faculty of Education, Graduate Student Conference Travel Grant, if eligible. Students who hold major funding awards that include a dedicated travel budget are not eligible to apply for EDST Graduate Student Travel and Research Presentation funding.
Reimbursement must occur in the fiscal year in which the research is presented. Students on official on-leave status or on financial hold are not eligible. Student enrollment ceases at the end of the month when all degree requirements are completed, not at the time of convocation.
Eligible expenses include travel, accommodation, meals, and conference registration. Application for reimbursement must include proof of research presentation agenda, actual meal receipts (if a per diem is being claimed for meals it cannot include meals that were provided or included in the conference registration). Original, itemized and dated receipts are required for all expenses claimed. Credit card receipts that are not itemized are not acceptable for reimbursement.
Because of limited funds, not all requests that meet the established criteria will be approved. Applications are processed on a first-come, first-served basis until all program funds are expended. Students are strongly encouraged to consult with their supervisors before committing to research presentations.
Please submit all your e-receipts or original receipts (e-receipts in PDF preferred) to the EDST Reception.
Revised: February 2, 2022