Research Interests
Research Supervision Interests
Individual research Interests
Research and Education
Santa Clara, BA
Tufts, MA
Stanford, PhD
UBC Killam Teaching Prize, Faculty of Education, 1998-99
Murray Elliott Award for Outstanding Service in Teacher Education, UBC Faculty of Education, 2007
Research Projects
Strengthening Dissertation and Thesis Proposals through the Creation of Online Theory and Method Modules
2018 – 2020
Role: Principal investigator. Granting agency: Teaching & Learning Enhancement Fund
Selected Publications
Refereed Journal Articles
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2022). Critical media literacy for uncertain times: Promoting student reflexivity. Journal of Media Literacy Education, 4(2), 15-26. https://doi.org/10.23860/JMLE-2022-14-2-2
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Currie, Dawn H. (2021). Teacher reflexivity when using pop culture in the classroom. International Journal of Critical Media Literacy, 2(2), 121-147.
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Currie, Dawn H. (2021). Beyond stereotype analysis in critical media literacy: Case study of reading and writing gender in pop music videos. Gender and Education, 33(6), 676-691. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540253.2020.1831443
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2022). Critical social literacy: Media engagement as an exercise of power. Review of Education, Pedagogy and Cultural Studies, 44(5), 406-446. https://doi.org/10.1080/10714413.2021.1941551
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2014). Alternative learning contexts and the goals of democracy in education. Teachers College Record, 116(14), 383-410.
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2011). The public policy pedagogy of corporate and alternative news media. Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30(2), 185-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11217-011-9222-2
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Brandes, Gabriella Minnes. (2010). “Social justice needs to be everywhere”: Imagining the future of anti-oppression education in teacher preparation. Alberta Journal of Educational Research, 56(4), 388-402. http://ajer.synergiesprairies.ca/ajer/index.php/ajer/article/view/839
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2010). A critical inquiry and antioppressive approach to teacher education. Teacher Education & Practice 23(4), 478-481. [invited response to the journal’s feature section “Dialogues of Teacher Education,” theme issue entitled A Social Justice Imperative for Teacher Preparation and Practice.]
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2009). Mean, wild, and alienated: Girls and the state of feminism in popular culture. Girlhood Studies, 2(1), 1-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/ghs.2009.020102
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Brooks, Mary. (2009). How young is too young? Exploring beginning teachers’ assumptions about young children and teaching for social justice. Equity & Excellence in Education, 42(2), 202-216.
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Brandes, Gabriella Minnes. (2008). Equitable classroom assessment: Promoting self-development and self-determination. Interchange, 39(1). 1-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10780-008-9041-8
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2007). Young mothers, agency and collective action: Issues and challenges. Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering, 9(1), 9-19. http://pi.library.yorku.ca/ojs/index.php/jarm/article/viewFile/5131/4327
Currie, Dawn H., Kelly, Deirdre M., & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2007). Listening to girls: Discursive positioning and the construction of self. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 20(4), 377-400. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09518390601176366
Currie, Dawn H., Kelly, Deirdre M., & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2007). “The power to squash people”: Understanding girls’ social aggression.British Journal of Sociology of Education, 28(1), 23-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/01425690600995974 Currie, Dawn H., Kelly, Deirdre M., & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2006). “The geeks shall inherit the earth”: Girls’ agency, subjectivity and empowerment. Journal of Youth Studies, 9(4). 419-437. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13676260600914416
Kelly, Deirdre M., Pomerantz, Shauna, & Currie, Dawn H. (2006). “No boundaries”? Girls’ interactive, online learning about femininities. Youth & Society, 38(1), 3-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0044118X05283482
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2006). Frame work: Helping youth counter their misrepresentation in media. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(1), 27-48.
Kelly, Deirdre M., Pomerantz, Shauna, & Currie, Dawn. (2005, September). Skater girlhood and emphasized femininity: “You can’t land an ollie properly in heels.” Gender and Education, 17(3), 129-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09540250500145163
Kelly, Deirdre M., Brandes, Gabriella Minnes, & Orlowski, Paul. (2003-2004). Teaching for social justice: Veteran high school teachers’ perspectives. Scholar-Practitioner Quarterly, 2(2), 39-57
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2003). Practicing democracy in the margins of school: The Teen-Age Parents Program as feminist counterpublic. American Educational Research Journal, 40(1), 123-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.3102/00028312040001123
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Brandes, Gabriella Minnes. (2001). Shifting out of “neutral”: Beginning teachers’ struggles with teaching for social justice. Canadian Journal of Education, 26(4), 347-454. http://www.csse.ca/CJE/Articles/FullText/CJE26-4/CJE26-4-Kelly.pdf
Books and Monographs
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2022). Pop culture and power: Teaching media literacy for social justice. University of Toronto Press.
Currie, Dawn H., Kelly, Deirdre M., & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2009). “Girl power”: Girls reinventing girlhood. New York: Peter Lang.
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2000). Pregnant with meaning: Teen mothers and the politics of inclusive schooling. New York: Peter Lang.
Kelly, Deirdre M., with Diane Purvey, Kamini Jaipal, and David Penberg. (1995). Balancing diversity and community: A large, urban high school adopts the mini-school approach. Exemplary schools project, case study of Vancouver Technical Secondary School. Toronto: Canadian Education Association.
Kelly, Deirdre M. (1993). Last chance high: How girls and boys drop in and out of alternative schools. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Gaskell, Jane. (Eds.). (1996). Debating dropouts: Critical policy and research perspectives on school leaving. New York: Teachers College Press.
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Arnold, Chrissie. (2016). Cyberbullying and internet safety. In Barbara Guzzetti & Mellinee Lesley (Eds.), Handbook of research on the societal impact of digital media (pp. 529-559). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2012). Group interviews: Understanding shared meaning and meaning-making. In Sara Delamont (Ed.), Handbook of qualitative research in education (pp. 405-414). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Stack, Michelle. (2012). Bridging journalistic-academic divides to promote democratic dialogue and debate. In T. Fenwick & L. Farrell (Eds.), Knowledge mobilization and educational research: Politics, languages and responsibilities (pp. 128-141). New York: Routledge.
Currie, D. H., & Kelly, D. M. (2012). Group interviews: Understanding shared meaning and meaning-making. In S. Delamont (Ed.), Handbook of qualitative research in education (pp. 405-414). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Currie, D. H., & Kelly, D. M. (2012). Who am I? Who can I become? In M. J. Hird & G. C. Pavlich (Eds.), Questioning sociology: Canadian perspectives (2nd ed., pp. 34-47). Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.
Currie, Dawn H., Kelly, Deirdre M, & Pomerantz, Shauna. (2011). Skater girlhood: Resignifying femininity, resignifying feminism. In Rosalind Gill & Christina Scharff (Eds.), New femininities: Postfeminism, neoliberalism and subjectivity (pp. 293-305). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2010). Media representation and the case for critical media education. In Mary Clare Courtland & Trevor J. Gambell (Eds.), Literature, media, and multiliteracies in adolescent language arts (pp. 277-303). Vancouver: Pacific Education Press.
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2008). Meanness. In Claudia A. Mitchell & Jacqueline Reid-Walsh (Eds.). Girl culture: An encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 426-431). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press.
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2007). Pregnant and parenting teens. In Barbara J. Bank (Ed.), Gender and education: An encyclopedia (Vol. 2, pp. 779-786). Westport, CT: Praeger.
Kelly, Deirdre M., Pomerantz, Shauna, & Currie, Dawn H. (2007). “You can break so many more rules”: The identity play and work of becoming skater girls. In Michael D. Giardina & Michele K. Donnelly (Eds.), Youth culture and sport: Identity, power, and politics (pp. 113-125). New York: Routledge.
Currie, Dawn H., & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2007). Who am I? In George C. Pavlich & Myra J. Hird (Eds.). Questioning sociology: Canadian perspectives (pp. 34-55), Don Mills, ON: Oxford University Press.Currie, Dawn, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2006). “I’m going to crush you like a bug”: Understanding girls’ agency and empowerment. In Yasmin Jiwani, Candis Steenbergen, & Claudia Mitchell (Eds.), Girlhood: Redefining the limits (pp. 155-172). Montréal: Black Rose Books.
Non-Refereed Publications
Kelly, Deirdre. (2012, Winter).Teaching for social justice: Translating an anti-oppression approach into practice. Our Schools/Our Selves, 21(2), 135-154. http://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office/2012/02/osos106_Teaching_Social_Justice.pdf
Brandes, Gabriella Minnes, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (Eds.). (2010). Special issue: Notes from the field: Critical teacher inquiry. Educational Insights 14(1). Available: http:/ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v14n01/toc.html
Kelly, Deirdre M., & Brandes, Gabriella Minnes. ( 2010). Critical teacher inquiry: Examining classroom practices through the lens of social justice . Educational Insights 14(1). Available: http://ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v14n01/intro/index.html
Stack, Michelle, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (Eds.). (2006). Introduction [to the theme issue]. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(1), 1-4. http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/results/external_link_maincontentframe.jhtml?_DARGS=/hww/results/results_common.jhtml.42
Stack, Michelle, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2006). Popular media, education, and resistance. Canadian Journal of Education, 29(1), 5-26. http://www.csse.ca/CJE/Articles/FullText/CJE29-1/CJE29-1-stackkelly.pdf
Brandes, Gabriella Minnes, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (Eds.). (2004, March). Special issue: Notes from the field: Teaching for social justice. Educational Insights, 8(3). http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights <Simultaneously issued as the monograph Teaching for social justice, jointly published by the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation and the University of British Columbia Office of External Programs>
Brandes, Gabriella Minnes, & Kelly, Deirdre M. (2004, March). Teaching for social justice: Teachers inquire into their practice. Educational Insights, 8(3). http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v08n03/articles/teaching.html <Simultaneously issued as the Preface to the monograph Teaching for social justice, jointly published by the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation and the University of British Columbia Office of External Programs>
Allred, Pam, Kelly, Deirdre M., & Reiss, Michael. (2004). Review symposium on Pregnant bodies, fertile minds: Gender, race, and the schooling of pregnant teens, by W. Luttrell. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 25(5), 639-653. [invited] http://www.ccfi.educ.ubc.ca/publication/insights/v08n03/toc.html
Kelly, Deirdre M. (2007, Summer). Toward a more nuanced and reflective social justice discourse. Professional Development Perspectives, 6 (5), 1, 8-12. Reprinted in Education for social justice (pp. 1-6). Ottawa: Canadian Teachers’ Federation, 2008. http://www.ctf-fce.ca/publications/default.aspx?document=EPD
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Semenec, Paulina. (2022). “Calm’s not my style”: Attending to multiple enactments of mindfulness in a primary classroom.
Paterson, Kate. (2021). “It’s a very careful line we walk”: How educators resist, navigate, and make sense of the queer, trans necropolitical landscape of elementary education [Co-supervised with Mona Gleason]
Dormond, Keith. (2020). Service providers challenging Orientalism and supporting HRVO victims and perpetrators.
Plaut, Shayna. (2014). Writing/righting truths across borders: Learning from transnational peoples’ journalism and politics. [Co-supervised with Claudia Ruitenberg]
MacIntosh, Lori. B. (2013). The failure of antihomophobia education: Embracing the hope of an impossible future.
Moy, Lisa. (2008). Disrupting “bully” talk: Progressive practices and transformative spaces for anti-violence work in schools.
Brooks, Mary. (2008). Making connections: Interpersonal violence, women, and learning in graduate school.
Pomerantz, Shauna. (2005). Dressing the part: Girls, style, and school identities.
Orlowski, Paul. (2005). What’s ideology got to do with it? Race & class discourses in social studies education.
Dow, Martha. (2003). Educating for citizenship: Transformation and activism through reflective accountability.
Wang, Athena. (2001). Boys’ masculinities in play: In dialogue with anti-violence teachers and students.
Taylor, John. (2000). Educational discourses and teaching identities: An ethnography of being taught to teach.
Martineau, Sheila (1999). Rewriting resilience: A critical discourse analysis of childhood resilience and the politics of teaching resilience to “kids at risk.”
Bonson, Anita. (1997). A tale of two Susans: The construction of gender identity on the British Columbia frontier. [Co-supervised with Jean Barman]
Johnson, Leslie D. (2024). The caring practices of women in higher education leadership: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of care. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/89331 [Co-supervised with Alison Taylor]
Gledhill, Karen. (2024). Who do we trust? Life histories of women in school leadership. http://hdl.handle.net/2429/89070 [Co-supervised with Fei Wang]
Fleming, John. (2021). Stories of educational journeys and leadership: Travelling betwixt and between.
Windsor-Liscombe, Suzanne. (2014). Parental perceptions of an arts-integrated focus school: A case study of a public fine arts elementary school in British Columbia.
Perkins, Christine. (2013). How school principals understand and respond to homophobia: A study of one B.C. public school district using ethnodrama.
Sackville, Patricia. (2012). Bottom-up educational leadership and policy-making through storytelling: Language policy in practice at a Canadian institute.
Johnson, Wendy. (2009). Preparing to appear: A case study of student activism.
Fraser, Carolyn Jean. (2007). Secondary school girls in conversation about school success: Implications for practice and policy.
Yoon-Potkins, Qwisun. (2023). Reimagining sexual health education: Centering youths’ perspectives.
Gray, Kerria. (2018). “You’re doing it wrong”: Skateboarding, gender and the right to the city.
Ryland, Megan. (2018). Learning digital citizenship in publics of practice: How adults learn to use activist hashtags on Twitter.
Bohachyk, Laura. (2015). Matters of care in Alberta’s “Inspiring Education” policy : a critical feminist discourse analysis.
Moule, Jennifer. (2013). The masked masquerade: Superhero and princess narratives and gendered masquerade in an early childhood setting.
Radoff, Sara. (2011). When papers are diplomas: Post-high school transitions for students without documentation.
Verwoord, Roselynn. (2011).“Building peace” through quiltmaking: The role of participatory artistic quiltmaking in supporting peacebuilding among grade 4-7 youth.
Wright, Erin. (2009). Prude awakening: A critical discourse analysis of recent prescriptive abstinence texts.
Higginson, Stephanie. (2006). “We are not just painting our toenails and having pillow fights”: Adolescent girls questioning gender and power within a secondary school setting.
Polukoshko, Jody. (2006). “It was about to change!” Articulating and contextualizing the anti-oppressive practices of new elementary educators.
Wener, Abby. (2004). Don’t tell me who I am: Narratives of young women who are mothers.
MacIntosh, Lori. (2004). Queering the body[‘s] politic?: Gay-straight alliances, citizenship, and education.
England, Jacyntha. (2004). Histories of forgetting, geographies of remembering: Exploring processes of witnessing and performing in senior secondary humanities classroom(s).
Shearer, Andrea. (2003). Running threads: A critical discourse analysis of B.C.’s sexuality education curricula.
White, Caroline. (2002). Re/defining gender and sex: Educating for trans, transsexual and intersex access and inclusion to sexual assault centres and transition houses.
Hudspith, Maria. (2001). Cultures of resistance: Identity, politicization and health promotion among lesbian activists in Vancouver, B.C.
Fox, Katherine. (1999). Girl-to-girl bullying in early adolescence: Beyond “bully,” “victim,” “by-stander.”
Baillie, Chelan. (1998). Gender-Jutsu: Grappling with gender in martial arts contexts.
Orlowski, Paul. (1997). A class act: How East Vancouver working-class youth perceive racism and economic inequality.
Short, Pamela. (1997). Walking a careful line: Bridging feminist theory to pedagogical practice in secondary schools.
M.Ed. graduating paper option (selected)
Black, Stephanie. (2016). Model behaviour: How peer educators can change sexuality education for the better.
Romero, David. (2014). Rethinking meritocracy from autoethnography.
Urrutia, Martin. (2013). Pedagogies of pain: Useless suffering and educational suffering in the IB Diploma Programme and students’ identity creation.
Maia, Angélica. (2009). Youth citizenship: Representations and meanings.
Courses taught
EDST 314: Social Issues in Education
EDST 428: Social Foundations of Education: Gender and Education
EDST 429: Sociology of Education
CCFI 508A: Teaching for Social Justice: Teacher Inquiry
EDST 508B: Review of Research in Educational Methods, II
EDST 529: Qualitative Research Interviewing
EDST 565: Women in Educational Organizations
EDST 576: Feminist Theory, Pedagogy & Curriculum
EDST 577: Social Contexts of Educational Policy, Politics & Practice — SCPE version
EDST 577: Social Contexts of Educational Policy, Politics & Practice – VEL6 Cohort version
EDST 577: Social Contexts of Educational Policy, Politics & Practice — EdD version
EDST 585: Society, Culture & Politics in Education
EDST 601: First-Year Doctoral Seminar — EdD version
EDUC 504: Seminar in Qualitative Data Analysis