Hi all!
This month we have a jam packed newsletter which includes information on:
- The Comps to Candidacy Panel
- EDST Research Day
- Publishing on the EDST Blog
- EDST Townhalls
- Visiting Chinese scholar looking to connect
- Co-working sessions
- EDST Faculty and Staff Award Nominations
From Comps to Candidacy
This panel discussion aims to be a source of collective wisdom for facing, organizing, and completing comprehensive exams and for creating and defending your proposal in the EDST PhD program.
Come with your questions.
Sign up here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8xiUy4RccK7RBnE
When: February 15, 2024
Time: 11:30am-1:00pm
Where: PCN 1001
Research Day Call for Proposals
We are pleased to share that the EDST Research Day will be held in-person this year on Friday, April 5th.
The program committee for EDST Research Day 2023 invites proposals for individual presentations, poster sessions, roundtable, and panel sessions, and more from students and faculty members. All students are welcome – Ph.D., Ed.D., M.A., and M.Ed. The submission deadline is February 23, 2024.
EDST Research Day showcases the rich educational research, practice, and theory developed by the department’s students and faculty. We welcome work in diverse subjects, and in all phases of development, including projects that come out of coursework, research conducted as Research Assistants or Principal Investigators, thesis sections, or papers in progress. Presenters are encouraged to try out ideas to be developed for a forthcoming conference.
Power Revisited: Practices against complacency in Education
In honour of the department’s 30th anniversary we are returning to the topic of power. Power has long been discussed in educational discourses and scholarship. Indeed, what one means by power is often a topic of scholarly debate and requires careful consideration. Power can be used to dominate or lift up. Power can be sequestered or diffused. Power can achieve significant outcomes, but can do so at significant costs. This year we invite proposals for EDST Research Day to consider and explore how dynamics and contested arrangements of power are at play in the research and scholarship presented. As we come together to think critically and deeply about the work in the department, we want to foreground again the specter that is power. We choose to do so as a way of naming, challenging, and attending to it, so that our practices of equitable, liberatory, and anti-oppressive education do not fall prey to complacent virtue signaling that fails to address pernicious forms of power. We encourage proposals to clarify what they mean by power, and how it relates to the proposed research to be presented.
While the theme raises important questions, applicants should not feel limited to address the theme only. We, thus, also invite proposals on other education-related topics.
Each session should include at least one EDST student, but we encourage collaborations with EDST faculty members and/or students from other departments. Faculty members are invited to take an active role throughout Research Day as discussants, moderators, facilitators, and mentors.
Types of Presentations
Individual Presentations
Traditional and alternative presentations are welcome!
Suggestions include:
- Paper Presentation (up to 20-minute talk and 10-minute Q&A)
- Short Presentation (up to 7-minute talk and 5-minute Q&A)
- Ignite (20 slides in 5 minutes, each slide advancing automatically after 15 seconds and 5-minute Q&A)
- Art/Performance
- Film Presentation (up to 20 minutes)
- Poster Presentations
Roundtable and Panel Sessions
Roundtable and panel sessions will run 75 minutes each. Formats available are:
- Panel Discussion: 2-4 panelists discussing a topic in front of the audience; includes a Q&A and discussion session
- Roundtable Discussion: A discussion on a topic in a roundtable format with equal participation from all participants
- Book Session: A presentation of a new book, followed by a Q&A session
- Scholars’ Café: Informal session that showcases the most exciting and unique research done at EDST
How to Apply
Proposal Requirements
Individual presentation proposals should include:
- Presenter’s name, department, and program
- Full title of the proposal
- 150–200-word abstract
- Type of presentation
Panel/Roundtable discussions proposals should include:
- Facilitator’s name, department, and program
- Full title of the proposal
- Type of session
- Brief summary of activities planned for your session and key participants’ names, with a 150-200 word abstract for each speaker
Want to present but not sure how to prepare? Your GAAs are here and would love to sit with you to discuss your proposal ideas and helping you prepare! Contact us at: edst.gaa@ubc.ca for any questions, comments, or assistance.
We will continue updating details on the conference website: https://edst.educ.ubc.ca/researchday/. Stay tuned.
Please submit your completed proposals (by February 23) here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3xbHBDyiYWl8FIW
We look forward to your contributions towards making the Research Day one of the most significant events of the department.
Planning on presenting a paper, poster, performance, or other presentation at Research Day?
Consider making your presentation into a blog post for the EDST blog! Posts are typically 500-1,000 words and may include links, images, audio, video, and other multimedia. Check out the blog’s “Research Day Series” for example posts.
Questions? Email our edstblog.editor@ubc.ca
Townhall Meetings are held so that we, as the student representatives, can get a sense of where students are, and what they might want us to communicate on their behalf to the groups/associations/committees/etc that we represent them on. Participating in EDST student townhalls is one way you can ensure your voice is heard and your concerns are represented in the department’s decision making
Join for one or both townhall meetings. Register here: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2bLUNKzTX3txI46
Zoom link for Tuesday Feb 13 meeting at 4PM: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/67551394433?pwd=cXZ5Y3ZDbEFJcndRWmhuZTlvZmxIdz09
- Meeting ID: 675 5139 4433
- Passcode: 738224
Zoom link for Friday Feb 16 meeting at Noon: https://ubc.zoom.us/j/66333414869?pwd=U3hSWjNiWmNLclYxWXBMNW55bkt4QT09
- Meeting ID: 663 3341 4869
- Passcode: 70432
We look forward to hearing from you then.
Chinese Visiting Scholar
A Chinese visiting scholar to UBC faculty of education would like to connect with a Chinese student in the department. If you would be willing to connect with this scholar please email the GAAs and we’d be happy to put you in touch.
Co-working from 1pm-4pm.
Online February 6th with Eva
In-person February 14th with Silas
In-person February 23rd with Keenan
Online February 29th with Aida
And mark your calendars for March:
In-person March 8th with Keenan
In-person March 13th with Silas
Online March 19th with Eva
Online March 28th with Aida
In person co-working is in the EDST multipurpose room PCN 2012
Online co-working Zoom meetings: Join Zoom Meeting https://ubc.zoom.us/j/65344445367?pwd=RUszTU1tdUlsY2ZBakNpTEg1TnJyQT09
- Meeting ID: 653 4444 5367
- Passcode: 667088
Let us know you are coming: https://ubc.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6ydp5xooAbqt1Jk
EDST Faculty and Staff Award Nominations Now Open
In 2022 the team of GAAs at the time with the help of the Head of Department, Professor André Mazawi, established the “GAA Recognition & Appreciation Award to EDST Faculty for Exemplary Service to Students”. The award was born from a necessity to recognize and celebrate the support faculty give students beyond the setting of the classroom and of graduate supervision. It’s a way to celebrate faculty members who show up for students in different ways, offer their time, and become positive guides and mentors. In last year’s version, the GAA team selected the faculty who would be granted this award based on the support this person had provided to the GAA team and their active participation in student-led events and initiatives. As such, in Research Day 2022 we commemorated Professor Amy Metcalfe as the awardee. On Research Day 2023 Jude Walker received the award as the nominated by students.
It is our hope that this award continues on and in this third year we will move forward with open nominations of candidates by students. Nominations can be submitted by any current EDST student, either independently or in collaboration with current students and EDST alumni.
If you want to be a part of this process and nominate a faculty for this award, please review the terms of reference attached to this email, including the nomination requirements and candidate criteria. The period for accepting nominations is until March 1, 2024. The announcement of the award will take place in the opening session at EDST’s annual Research Day 2023.
In addition, in 2023 the GAA team introduced a new version of this award focused on celebrating the work of EDST staff members. In a unique and central way, staff members contribute immensely to the operations and functioning of our department, and support students in a variety of ways. Therefore, this year we will be commemorating the first “GAA Recognition & Appreciation Award to EDST Staff for Exemplary Service to Students”. The nomination process is detailed in the terms of reference attached. We urge you to consider possible candidates (listed on EDST Staff page: https://edst.educ.ubc.ca/people/staff/) and pursue nominations. The announcement of the award will take place in the opening session at EDST’s annual Research Day 2024.
Nominations for the awards (Faculty and Staff) should be sent to the GAA email edst.gaa@ubc.ca. Please include:
- Award name (as subject line of your email)
- Name of nominee
- Names of student(s) endorsing the nomination
- Attachment of the required documents
If you have any questions about this award, please reach out to us at edst.gaa@ubc.ca
We look forward to your nominations to acknowledge the contributions made by EDST faculty and staff members.
Have a great February,
EDST Graduate Academic Assistants 2024
Eva Crowson, Silas Krabbe, Aida Mohajeri, & Keenan Manning
Department of Educational Studies, The University of British Columbia
On the traditional and unceded territories of xʷməθkʷəy̓əm Nation
E: edst.gaa@ubc.ca | W: http://blogs.ubc.ca/edstgaa | TW: @EDSTGradForum