The Write: A Structured Academic Writing Retreat, with Dr. Rob VanWynsberghe
Date and time: Thursday October 22nd, 9:00am-2:00pm PT
Post-retreat discussion: Thursday October 22nd, 2:00pm-3:00pm PT
Location: Virtual (Zoom)
The Write is an event, a mini- academic writing retreat designed to introduce and test our abilities to elicit the collective energy of a group to make progress in our own writing and thinking. Like any good event, the goal is achieving the liminal, a collective space that generates its own unique energy; in this case, in regards to our writing.
This is dedicated writing time in a supportive environment. Most of the time is for writing in the currently imaginary world of physically being in the same room with one another. Brief scheduled discussions between writing slots generate solutions to writing problems, research conversations and/or feedback on writing-in-progress. You can work on a range of writing projects: theses, chapters, books, reports, conference abstracts, grants, articles, research proposals, and all manner of social media. Aside from the liminal, we are seeking outcomes that include increased productivity, reduced stress, constructive conversations, heightened confidence in writing, and, of course, improved quality of writing.
- 9-9:30am Intros, writing warm up, writing goals
- 9:30-11.00am Writing
- 11:00-11:30 am Break
- 11:30 – 12:30pm Writing
- 12.30-1:15pm Lunch/Reflection/Exercise
- 1.15-2:00pm Writing
- 2-3:00 Discussion [open to guests who cannot attend the full retreat]
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. Please send any questions to your GAA team at