Research Interests
Individual research Interests
Work-integrated Learning; Educational Leadership; Program Planning and Evaluation; Transnational Migration; Educational Law; South Asian Diaspora; Language Policy and Planning; Multiculturalism/Multilingualism in Education; Mixed-Methods Research
My research explores the intricate intersections of migration, education, and policy, and how this intersectionality shapes international mobility, policy choices, educational contexts, curricular and instructional decisions, and sense of belonging/citizenship. I have conducted research and published in the areas of skilled migration, adult education, immigrant integration and ethnic networking, migration policy, racism, and multilingual education. My doctoral research focused on the integration of South Asian diaspora across the economic, social, political, and health dimensions, and pointed to nested [broader-selective] integration, shaped by issues of ethnicity, language, and immigration policy. Building upon this research, I study the work-integrated learning of skilled immigrants in the Canadian context and how the processes can be enhanced through resources alignment, policy revisions, and broader partnership amongst key stakeholders (e.g., governments, institutions, educators, and skilled immigrants).
Research and Education
PhD. Leadership, Policy, and Governance, University of Calgary, 2023
M.A. TESOL, Oklahoma City University, 2013
L.L.B. Law, University of the Punjab, 2010
M.A. English Language and Literature, University of Sargodha, 2008
B.A. Psychology, University of Sargodha, 2005
Learning Module Anti-racism in Teaching and Learning, Taylor Institute of Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary,
Certificate Aboriginal Worldviews and Education, University of Toronto,
Certificate University Teaching and Learning, Taylor Institute for Teaching and Learning, University of Calgary,
Certificate English as a Lingua Franca Practices for Inclusive Multilingual Classrooms, ENRICH Project, Roma Tree University, Italy
Research Projects
Enhancing Work-integrated Learning Opportunities for Skilled Immigrants [2024-2026]
Funder: SSHCR Postdoctoral Fellowship
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
Co-investigator: Dr. Hongxia Shan
My doctoral research pointed to the struggles of skilled immigrants that go beyond competency in English language and include lack of recognition of foreign credentials, underutilization of international experience, reduced job satisfaction, and economic inefficiencies. This project (2024-2026) is aimed at addressing the pressing issue of skilled immigrants’ lack of integration into the Alberta workforce by investigating and enhancing work-integrated learning opportunities for these workers. There are three overarching goals of this research project: 1) conduct a comprehensive review of the current landscape of integration programs offered by the Government of Alberta to assess their accessibility and effectiveness for skilled immigrants; 2) examine the unique challenges faced by skilled immigrants in gaining meaningful employment within their fields of expertise; and 3) design a framework for mentorship and skill-building programs that facilitate the transfer of knowledge and skills from establish professionals to skilled immigrants.
Digital Technology in Immigrant Training and Learning [2024-2026]
Funder: Edith Lando Virtual Learning Centre, UBC
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
Co-investigator: Dr. Hongxia Shan
This project aims to investigate and document the use of digital technologies in supporting immigrant learning in British Columbia. It aligns with the ELVLC/UBC strategic goals of leveraging technology for inclusive education. As Canada continues to welcome immigrants, the need to facilitate their integration through effective educational support systems and pedagogies is paramount. Digital technologies offer scalable, flexible, and accessible solutions to meet these needs.
South Asian Diaspora and Their Socio-Politico-Economic and Health Integration in Canada [2020-2023]
Funder: SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship; Werklund Doctoral Fellowship, University of Calgary; Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, Government of Alberta
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
South Asian population in Canada is on the rise, and they have emerged as the most visible minority in many parts of Canada including Toronto, Vancouver, and Calgary. This research project develops upon my doctoral dissertation and is focused on the scientific study of the settlement and integration practices and experiences of South Asian diaspora. With a particular focus on Alberta, the role of immigration policy, language, ethnic networking, and population size are studied to understand South Asian integration practices across social, political, economic, and health dimensions. This project focuses on the application of adult education theories on South Asian populations, South Asian economies, mediating role of South Asian languages and networking in newcomer integration, the politics of becoming Canadian, and the mental and physical health of South Asian women.
Learning Approaches in Engineering Education [2021-2024]
Funder: Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary
Principal Investigator: Dr. Simon Li (PI), Associate Professor, Schulich School of Engineering, University of Calgary
Co-investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
This project develops upon our collaboration during my research assistantship with Dr. Li. Following Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) guidelines for evidence synthesis, we have developed and published a priori scoping review protocol that outlines our research focus, search strategies, data extraction approach. Through this review, we intend to report the learning approaches adopted by adult engineering students, and whether such approaches foster surface level or deep learning. This project will also outline areas for future research on the topic of learning approaches in engineering education. We are currently extracting data from 58 studies that were finalized after a review of 2478 papers through Covidence.
Work-Integrated (Adult) Learning (WIAL)
Principal Investigator: Dr. Catherine Chua, Ministry of Education, Singapore
Co-investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
This project is aimed to expand work-integrated learning research from traditional theoretical + practical training of students, who often lack industry skills, to the contextualization, life-long learning, and skills upgradation of experienced workers and adult learners. Using case studies of blue-collar workers from Pakistan and Singapore and skilled immigrants from Canada, a renewed conception of adult learning and work-integrated learning is argued where the social capital, prior experience and skills, and future goals of adult learners are valued as well as perspectives of key stakeholders (governments, educational institutions, employers, educators, and adult learners) are integrated in curriculum program design and delivery.
Work on the project:
- Work-Integrated Learning in Adult Education for Diverse Workplaces [2023-2025]
This co-edited volume with Dr. Catherine Chua is about contemporary understanding of work-integrated learning (WIL) in the domain of adult learners. There are six key sections of this edited book that focus on fundamental principles and goals of WIL, transferring WIL to lifelong learning, sustainability of learning and assessment methods in WIL, WIL in globalized contexts, and partnerships among key stakeholders such as governments, adult learners, educators, industries, and educational institutions. A proposal has been submitted to Palgrave McMillan and a contract is being negotiated.
Language Program Administration and Leadership
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
Co-investigators: Dr. Zohreh Eslami, Professor, Educational Psychology, Texas A&M University, USA; Dr. Mohammad Manasreh, Lecturer in English, Qatar University, Qatar, Dr. Mick King, Lecturer in English, Community College Qatar, Qatar
Summary: Contemporary leadership is faced with amalgamations of diversity, uncertainty, and dynamism. This calls for revisiting leadership practices in a globalized world to explore how today’s leaders can cope with emerging situations and challenges (e.g., COVID-19) while committing to local practices and global developments. Recognizing that the topic has not received needed attention in the field of TESOL/ELT, this project is focused on producing literature on TESOL leadership through articles, book chapters, and blogs. Some of the work in the pipeline is focused on the issues of methodological and theoretical tensions in promoting TESOL leadership as a topic, marginalization and racism faced by non-native English speaking TESOL leaders, and administration of linguistically and culturally diverse language programs. Previous work on the topic has appeared in TESOL Journal, Journal of Educational Thought, International Journal of Leadership in Learning, International Journal of Leadership in Education, and International Perspectives on Teaching and Learning Academic English in Turbulent Times (edited volume).
Multilingual TESOL: Theoretical and Practical Considerations
Principal Investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza
Co-investigators: Dr. Özgehan Uştuk, Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University; Dr. Dudley Reynolds, Senior Associate Dean and Full Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar; Dr. Christine Coombe, Associate Professor of General studies at Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s College
Summary:This project focuses on understanding the theoretical and practical tensions that may emerge in policy, teaching, learning, and assessment in multilingual language classrooms. Through case studies from across the globe, we aim to provide practical and context-specific solutions to teachers, learners, policymakers, curriculum developers, and program leaders to address these challenges.
Work on the project:
- Multilingual TESOL: De-constructing and Re-constructing Power ‘in’, ‘of’, and ‘for’ Language Classrooms (forthcoming 2025)
This co-edited volume with Dr. Özgehan Uştuk (Postdoctoral Fellow at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and Dr. Dudley Reynolds (Senior Associate Dean and Full Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) develops upon our previous two volumes on multilingual TESOL and focuses on the issues of power ‘in’, ‘of’, and ‘for’ language classrooms. It is aimed to be a reference-book for TESOL practitioners, policymakers and students. Documenting examples of de-constructing and re-constructing power in, of, and for language classrooms, the book presents a collection of chapters that showcase how multilingual TESOL can contribute to power deconstruction and reconstruction in, of, and for language classrooms. This volume is under contract with Springer and will be published in late 2024.
- Handbook of Multilingual TESOL in Practice (2023, Springer)
This co-edited volume with Dr. Dudley Reynolds (Senior Associate Dean and Full Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) and Dr. Christine Coombe (Associate Professor of General studies at Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s College) developed upon our first volume and was aimed at providing practical exemplars for language teachers, curriculum developers, program administrators/leaders, assessment specialists, policy developers, and other stakeholders who want to create educational environments where local language resources can be utilized and developed while teaching and learning English. This was a unique volume that provided rich examples of teaching multilingual TESOL with case studies from Africa, the Americas, Asian, and Europe. Working as a reference-book for TESOL practitioners, the book should benefit a wide range of readerships such as teachers, trainers, students, and policymakers.
- Policy Development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, Present and the Way Forward (2019, Springer)
This co-edited volume with Dr. Christine Coombe (Associate Professor of General studies at Higher Colleges of Technology, Dubai Men’s College) and Dr. Dudley Reynolds (Senior Associate Dean and Full Teaching Professor at Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar) provided a historical context of monolingual ideologies in English language teaching that often ignore and/or suppress local and Indigenous languages and teaching practices when promoting English as a second/foreign language. Serving as a platform for discussions related to policy enactment where Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) and multilingualism are viewed as collaborative endeavors, the chapters in the volume covered the topic from three angles: Critical examination of previous policy-level initiatives that recognize and embrace linguistic diversity; ongoing efforts at school, state, region or organizational levels to promote local and Indigenous languages in TESOL classrooms; and proposals and discussions to shape the future of TESOL as a multilingual field. The book presented a collection of chapters that reported, discussed and questioned existing, currently developing and future language policies that would inform teaching practices, materials development, intercultural communication, and research in the field of TESOL as it intersects with multilingualism. The volume was aimed to serve as a reference-book for TESOL teachers, curriculum developers, teacher trainers, and policymakers.
The Nexus Between Education, Labour Market Access, and Immigration to Canada
Principal Investigator: Dr. Hassan Bashir, Assistant Professor, Carleton University
Co-investigator: Dr. Kashif Raza This project is focused on understanding the nexus between migration and education in the Canadian context with a focus on post-secondary international students. We are particularly interested in the role and responsibilities of higher education institutions and governments in multi-step pathways to immigration. The questions we raised include: What is the fundamental/stated purpose of immigration policy in Canada? What are the points of convergence and divergence between Canadian policy on international student admissions and Canadian study visa regime? Through a scoping review, we intend to find the status of knowledge, identify gaps, and point to future research directions on the topic.
Selected Publications
Edited Volumes
- Raza, K., Coombe, C., & Reynolds, D. (Eds.) (2021). Policy development in TESOL and multilingualism: Past, present and the way forward. Springer.
- Raza, K., Reynolds, D., & Coombe, C. (Eds.) (2023). Handbook of multilingual TESOL in practice. Springer.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Raza, K. (2024). Nested [Broader-Selective] integration of South Asians: Mediating role of language and ethnic networks. International Journal of Migration and Integration. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12134-024-01196-z
- Raza, K., Roach, P., Hardcastle, L., Hayden, A., Gereluk, D., & Bharwani, A. (2024). A systematic review of the conceptualization, interpretation, and implementation of shared governance in post-secondary contexts. Studies in Higher Education. https://doi.org/10.1080/03075079.2024.2388274
- Chua, C., Johannah, S. M., & Raza, K. (2024). Work-integrated learning: Un-stigmatizing blue-collar adult learners in Singapore by embracing visibility. Journal of Adult and Continuing Education, 30(1), 112-130. https://doi.org/10.1177/14779714241228847
- Raza, K., & Eslami, Z. (2024). Intersectional lens to the study of racism in TESOL leadership: A narrative inquiry of a Nonnative English-speaking leader (NNESL) exposing epistemological and institutional racism. TESOL Journal, 15(3), e803. https://doi.org/10.1002/tesj.803
- Raza, K. (2023). Integrating better but multilingually: Language practices of South Asian immigrants for settlement and integration in Canada. Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studies, 10(2), 166-190. https://dx.doi.org/10.29333/ejecs/1626
- Raza, K., Li, S., & Chua, C. (2023). Imaginative education-based curriculum: A conceptual framework. Science and Education, 33, 923-936. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11191-022-00415-2
- Raza, K., Chua, C. (2022). Nuts and bolts of educational policy and educational governance: Unpacking the nexus between the two through a holistic educational policy-governance approach. Journal of Educational Thought, 55(2), 175-200. https://doi.org/10.11575/jet.v55i2
- Raza, K., & Chua, C. (2022). Linguistic outcomes of language accountability and points-based system for multilingual skilled immigrants in Canada: A critical language-in-immigration policy analysis. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 45(7), 2605-2619. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2022.2060242
- Raza, K., Manasreh, M., King, M., & Eslami, Z. (2021). Context-specific leadership in English language program administration: What can we learn from the autoethnographies of leaders? International Journal of Leadership in Education, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/13603124.2021.1944672
- Raza, K. (2020). Differentiated instruction in English language teaching: Insights into the implementation of Raza’s teaching adaptation model in Canadian ESL classrooms. TESL Ontario Contact Magazine, 46(2), 41-50.
Book Chapters
- Raza, K. (2024). Issues of legitimization, authority, and acceptance: Pakistani English language teachers and their confrontation of raciolinguistic ideologies in ELT/TESOL classrooms. In S. Melo-Pfeifer & V. Tavares (Eds.), Language teacher identity: Confronting ideologies of language, race and ethnicity (pp. 242-257). Routledge.
- Raza, K., Reynolds, D., & Coombe, C. (2023). Multilingual TESOL in practice in higher education: Insights from EFL classrooms at a Gulf university. In K. Raza, D. Reynolds, & C. Coombe (Eds.), Handbook of multilingual TESOL in practice (pp. 5-22). Springer.
- Raza, K., & Chua, C. (2022). Neoliberal ideologies in teaching and assessing ESP legal English: A case study from the Middle East. In O. Z. Barnawi, M. S. Alharbi & A. Alzahrani (Eds.), English language assessment practices in a transnational world: Challenges and opportunities (pp. 189-203). Routledge.
- Raza, K. (2022). Pakistan’s English in education policy: A study of drawback. In N. A. Raza & C. Coombe (Eds.), English language teaching in Pakistan (pp. 101-116). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-7826-4_8
- Raza, K. (2021). Enacting a multilingual policy for economic growth: Exploiting the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor project to create linguistic harmony in Pakistan. In K. Raza, C. Coombe & D. Reynolds, Policy development in TESOL and Multilingualism: Past, present and the way forward (pp. 135-148). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3603-5_11
- Raza, K., Coombe, C., & Dudley, R. (2021). Past, present and ways forward: Towards inclusive policies for TESOL and multilingualism. In K. Raza, C. Coombe & D. Reynolds (Eds.), Policy development in TESOL and multilingualism: Past, present and the way forward (pp. 1-9). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-3603-5_1
Non-Refereed Publications
- 1. Raza, K., & Li, S. (2024). Learning approaches in post-secondary engineering education – A scoping review. PRISM 2024. https://hdl.handle.net/1880/117988
- 2. Madesi, S., Raza, K., & Bharwani, A. (2022). Inclusive Governance in Post-Secondary—Systematic Review Protocol. PROSPERO 2023 CRD42023390890 https://www.crd.york.ac.uk/prospero/display_record.php?ID=CRD42023390890
- 3. Raza, K. (2021). From competition to collaboration among languages: A multilingual approach. Qatar University Research Magazine, 16, 50-52. http://www.qu.edu.qa/static_file/qu/research/magazine/english_16.pdf
- 4. Raza, K. (2021, March). Language collaboration in immigrated spaces among South-Asian multilingual speakers. Bilingual-Multilingual Education Interest Section (B-MEIS) Newsletter. http://newsmanager.commpartners.com/tesolbeis/textonly/2021-03-05/3.html
- 5. Raza, K. (2020, July). Language policy for China-Pakistan Cooperation. Language on the Move. https://www.languageonthemove.com/language-policy-for-china-pakistan-cooperation/
- 1. Raza, K. (2020, June). عالمی سیاق وسباق میں لسانی پاليسى. Language Policy in Globalized Contexts (2019) by Dudley Reynolds. Translated in Urdu and published by WISE, Qatar. Available at: https://www.wise-qatar.org/app/uploads/2020/06/wise-cmu-q-rr.3.2019-urdu.pdf
Forthcoming Publications (selected)
EDST Activity
Courses taught
Postdoctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada. 2024
Solidarity Award, Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée, France. 2023
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, University of Calgary; Government of Alberta. 2023
Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Canada. 2022
Werklund Doctoral Fellowship, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, AB, Canada. 2022
Alberta Graduate Excellence Scholarship, University of Calgary; Government of Alberta. 2021
Richard Hirabayashi Award, Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, AB, Canada. 2021
Excellence in Teaching Award, Foundation Program, Qatar University. 2019
Graduate Honors for Academic Achievement, Oklahoma City University, OK, USA. 2013
- Canadian Association for the Practical Study of Law in Education (CAPSLE)
- Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE)
- TESOL International Association
- Multidisciplinary Approaches in Language Policy and Planning
- American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL)
Media Interviews and Outreach
- 1. Raza, K., Grant, L., Khurana, V., & Basir, N. (2020, October). Let’s Discuss: Education-Challenges, Solutions, Opportunities in the New Normal. Edumate.TV, India. https://www.facebook.com/edumatetv/videos/798726964285480
- 2. Raza, K. (2019, March).Language policy in globalized contexts: An interview with Dudley Reynolds. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GatykDdPsFw
Invited Expert Speaker – Selected
- Raza, K. (2024, October). Towards an inclusive approach to measuring skilled immigrants’ integration. Invited talk at the Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Education, the University of British Columbia, Canada.
- Raza, K. (2024, October). Ethical and moral dimensions of language teaching. Invited lecture for postgraduate students at the International Webinar for Postgraduate Students, Mexico.
- Raza, K. (2024, September). Publishing during doctoral studies: Course assignments and research assistantship projects as possible publications. Invited lecture for PhD Seminar at the Curriculum Studies and Studies in Applied Linguistics program, Western University, Ontario, Canada.
- Raza, K. (2023, February). Adapting teaching strategies to Arab student needs in TESOL classrooms. Invited talk as part of Doha Institute for Graduate Studies’ symposium on Enhancing Motivation and Engagement in English Language Teaching, Doha, Qatar.
- Khan, L. S., Raza, K., & Mowbray, J. (2022, November). Linguistic discrimination against multilingual workforce: A case study of English as a language of economy in Pakistan. Panel discussion at ESCR Network Conference 2022, Sydney, Australia.
- Wanru, Z., Rafique, M., Bakare, N., Ekbia, H., & Raza, K. (2022, April). Enacting a multilingual policy for economic growth: Exploiting the China-Pakistan economic corridor project to create linguistic harmony in Pakistan. Panel discussion at Center for Chinese Legal Studies (CCLS) International Virtual Conference at Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Islamabad, Pakistan.
- Raza, K. (2022, January). Linguistically Inclusive Integration of Skilled Immigrants: A Case-Study Exploring the Disconnect Between Immigrant Policy Discourse and Settlement Experiences of South-Asian Immigrants in Alberta, Canada. Invited Webinar at Discourse, Society and Culture Webinar Series, University College London (UCL). https://blogs.ucl.ac.uk/ccm-seminars/2022/02/01/linguistically-inclusive-integration-of-skilled-immigrants-a-case-study-exploring-the-disconnect-between-immigrant-policy-discourse-and-settlement-experiences-of-south-asian-immigrants-in-alberta-ca/
- Kormpas, G., Raza, K., Al-Ali, S., Bowles, M., & Mansour, C. (2021, November). Navigating your doctoral journey. Panel discussion as part of Research Fundamentals Certificate Course organized by TESOL Gulf.
- Raza, K. & Coombe, C. (2021, November). Characteristics of effective TESOL teachers. Featured speaker at the Qatar University 6th Annual International Conference on English Language Teaching, Doha, Qatar.
- Raza, K., & Chua, C. (2021, March). What is Next During and After the Pandemic? Guest Speakers as part of ‘ELT Practices during the pandemic: Let’s get Edu-Vaccinated” in Turkey.
- Raza, K. (2017, June). Teaching English abroad: Experiences and lessons learnt. Invited virtual workshop for TESOL Graduate Students at California State University, Fullerton, USA.
Colloquia and Symposia – Selected
Raza, K. Marietta, J., & Agrawal, S. (2024, November). Socio-cultural and economic dynamics of skilled immigrants’ integration: Implications for research, policy, and practice. Panel organized by Kashif Raza at the 27th Canadian Ethnic Studies Association Biennial Conference at University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Raza, K., Chen, Q., Lin, A., Meighan, P. J., Chua, C., & Taylor, S. K. (2023, July). Multilingual TESOL in practice: Reflections from classrooms, content development, course delivery and language policy development. Symposium organized by Kashif Raza at Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference 2023, York, ON, Canada.
Raza, K., Taylor, S. K., Chiras, M., Galante, A., Chua, C., Jee, Y., Li, G., Chen, Q., & Lin, A. (2021, August). Policy Development in English Education and Multilingualism: Possibilities for Future Collaboration. Colloquium organized by Kashif Raza at Language Policy and Planning Conference 2021, Montreal, Canada.