Research Interests
Individual research Interests
F.R.S.C., former President of the Canadian Historical Association, founding Director of UBC’s Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies.
Research and Education
Research Projects
Liberal Hearts and Coronets: the Lives and Times of Ishbel Marjoribanks Gordon and John Gordon, the Aberdeens.
A Short History of Canadian Women.
Selected Publications
«Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves, or Not: Aunts and Caregiving in Canada» Journal of Comparative Family History, forthcoming 2009-10.
And Sally Mennill , «Identifying Victims: Child Abuse and Death in Canadian Families, Bulletin of Medical History/BCHM 25:2 (2008), pp. 11-33/
“Experts on Our Own Lives: Commemorating Canada at the Beginning of the 21st Century, The Public Historian. v. 31, no. 1 (Feb. 2009).
“Judging Men: Assessments of Fathers in Canadian Adoption Circles” in Emily Hipchen, ed. Adoption and Culture, v. 1, no. 1 (2007): 69-100.
“Children of Adversity”: Disabilities and Child Welfare in Canada from the nineteenth century to the twenty-first,” Journal of Family History v. 32, no. 4, (2007) 413-32
‘Today’s Child: Preparing for the ‘Just Society’ One Family at a Time,’ Canadian Historical Review 86, 4 (December 2005): 673-99.
Mona Gleason, Tamara Myers, Leslie Paris, and V. Strong-Boag, eds., Lost Children: Disadvantaged Children and Youth in Canada and the U.S Vancouver: UBC Press, 2009
Strong-Boag, V. Finding Families, Finding Ourselves: English Canada Confronts Adoption from the 19th Century to the 1990s (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2006).
And Cheryl K. Warsh, eds. Children’s Health: International Historical Perspectives (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2006).
and Michelle Lynn Rosa. Nellie L. McClung. Clearning in the West and The Stream Runs Fast, edited, annotated, and introduced (Peterborough, ON: Broadview Press, 2003).
Strong-Boag, V. and Carole Gerson, Paddling Her Own Canoe: The Times and Texts of E. Pauline Johnson (Tekahionwake) (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000), 331 pp.
Strong-Boag, V. ‘Janey Canuck’: Women in Canada Between Two World Wars, 1919-1939 (CHA Historical Booklet, 1994). Also in French.
Margaret Conrad, Alvin Finkel, with Strong-Boag, V., A History of the Canadian Peoples, v.2: 1867 to the Present (Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1993). .
And Cheryl Warsh, ‘Introduction’ to Children’s Health Issues in Historical Perspective (Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2005).
And Carole Gerson, ‘Championing the Native: E. Pauline Johnson Rejects the Squaw’, Contact Zones: Aboriginal and Settler Women in Canada’s Colonial Past (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2005): 47-66.
Strong-Boag, Veronica. Fostering Nation? Canada Confronts Its History of Childhood Disadvantage. Waterloo: Wilfrid University UP, 2011
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
EDST 314: Social Issues in Education
EDST 426E: History of Childhood and Youth
EDST 502A: Growing Up in History: The Meanings of Childhood
WMST 100 Introduction to Women’s Studies
WMST 205: Women In Canada Pre-Contact to 1920 WMST 210: Women In Canada 1920 to the Present
Courses taught
Community Work
and Gillian Creese, ‘Still Waiting for Justice–Update 2009: Provincial Politics and Gender Inequality in BC 2001-2008,’ Commissioned Report, BC Federation of Labour, 8 March 2009.