Educational Studies Symposium 2018

Conversations with Jo-ann Archibald about Indigenous Storywork as
Pedagogy and Methodology

May 10th, 2018
8:30 a.m. — 3:30 p.m.

First Nations House of Learning (Longhouse)
1985 West Mall, Vancouver, BC


  1. Celebration of Indigenous storywork within research and educational contexts
  2. Engage in critical dialogue regarding Indigenous storywork
  3. Share successes and challenges in using Indigenous storywork as pedagogy and methodology
  4. Launch EDST’s Indigenous storywork resources


8:30 – 9:00 Breakfast
9:00 – 9:30 Acknowledgment & Greetings:
Elder Jewel Thomas
Dr. Ali A. Abdi, Department Head
Dr. Jan Hare, Associate Dean, Indigenous Education,
Dr. Blye Frank, Dean, Faculty of Education
9:30 – 10:30 Indigenous Storywork as Pedagogy Panel:
Dr. Jo-ann Archibald (EDST)
Dr. Michael Marker (EDST)
D. Brad Baker (North Vancouver School District)
15 minutes each + 15 minutes for Q&A
10:30 – 10:45 Break
10:45 – 11:15 Small group discussions
(moderated by Melanie Nelson & Sam Tsuruda, EDST Graduate Assistants)
11:15 – 11:45 Summary of small groups with large group discussion
(moderated by Melanie Nelson & Sam Tsuruda)
11:45 – 12:45 Lunch
12:45 – 1:45 Indigenous Storywork as Methodology Panel:
Dr. Jo-ann Archibald (EDST)
Dr. Cash Ahenakew (EDST)
Dr. Amy Parent (SFU)
1:45 – 2:15 Small group discussions
(moderated by Melanie Nelson & Sam Tsuruda)
2:15 – 2:30 Break
2:30 – 3:00 Summary of small group discussions with large group
(moderated by Melanie Nelson & Sam Tsuruda)
3:00 – 3:30 Summary of day, audience comments, going forward with Indigenous Storywork as Pedagogy and Methodology
(moderated by Melanie Nelson & Sam Tsuruda)


The deadline to RSVP for this event has passed.

Jo-ann Archibald

Jo-ann Archibald, Q’um Q’um Xiiem, from the Stó:lō/Soowahlie and St’at’imc/Xaxli’p First Nations, is professor emeritus of Educational Studies in the Faculty of Education at the University of British Columbia (UBC). She has held the following positions at UBC: director of the First Nations House of Learning, director of UBC’s Indigenous teacher education program (NITEP), associate dean for Indigenous Education, and a full professor in the Educational Studies Department in the Faculty of Education, UBC. She received a Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) degree from the University of British Columbia, a Master of Education (M.Ed.) degree and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree from Simon Fraser University. She has also held various positions with NITEP for 18 years and has been on faculty at UBC for 34 years before retiring in 2017.

Jo-ann’s scholarship relates to Indigenous knowledge systems, storywork/oral tradition, transformative education at all levels, Indigenous educational history, teacher and graduate education, and Indigenous methodologies. From 1992- 2018, Jo-ann edited an annual theme issue of the Canada Journal of Native Education (CJNE.). Jo-ann is the author of the book, Indigenous Storywork: Educating the Heart, Mind, Body, and Spirit published in 2008 by UBC Press. This book focuses on the role of Indigenous stories and storytelling for holistic learning, teaching, and research.

Jo-ann received a National Aboriginal Achievement Award in 2000; an honorary Doctor of Letters from Capilano University in 2012; the SFU Outstanding Alumni Award for Academic Achievement in 2012; a 2013 American Education Research Association Scholars of Colour Distinguished Career Contribution Award; a 2015 Killam Award for Excellence in Mentoring from UBC; an Award for Lifelong Service to Education from the Association of BC Deans of Education in 2017; and an Honorary Doctor of Laws from Kwantlen Polytechnic University in 2017.


Michael Marker

Michael Marker is an Associate Professor in Educational Studies and the director of Ts”kel Indigenous Graduate Studies. He was founding director of the Oksale Teacher Education Program at Northwest Indian College at the Lummi reservation in Washington State. His present research brings to light ecological education and place based pedagogies in the Coast Salish region.






Cash Ahenakew

Cash Ahenakew (Ph.D.) is an associate professor in the Department of Education at the University of British Columbia.  I am a First Nations’ scholar who is a member of the Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation. This positionality informs my program of interdisciplinary research based on a commitment to the development of Indigenous theories and mixed methodologies. My research addresses the complexities at the interface between Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge, education, pedagogy, methodology, ceremony, and health & wellbeing. Presently, I’m engaged in 2 SSHRC funded Indigenous community-based participatory inquiries that search to understand how local knowledges and practices can inform the revitalization of Indigenous wisdom, knowledge, education and research partnerships.



Amy Parent

Nox Ayaa Wilt (Amy Parent) is from the House of Ni’isjoohl in the Nisga’a nation and belongs to the Ganada (frog) clan. On her father’s side, she is French and German. She holds a B.A. in Political Science and Anthropology from Simon Fraser University, and a Masters and Ph.D. in Education from the University of British Columbia. Amy is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. Her research and teaching interests include: Aboriginal high school to university transitions, undergraduate to graduate transitions, Indigenous knowledge systems and methodologies, Indigenous doctoral programming and supervision, integrating Indigenous content into teacher education and Nisga’a language revitalization.




Brad Baker

Brad is a proud member of the Squamish Nation.  He is currently the District Principal of Aboriginal Education for the North Vancouver School District.  He continues to pursue the three pathways of Indigenous Education: students, educators and community in his daily work to ensure that society is moving towards true reconciliation.  Brad is also a member of the Governor General of Canada’s Leadership Conference.  In addition, he is the past recipient of the Indspire’s Guiding the Journey Indigenous Educator Award in Leadership.  Brad has contributed to many curriculum initiatives across British Columbia and Canada.   Brad is currently pursuing his Doctor of Education here at UBC.




Co-sponsored by the Department of Educational Studies and the First Nations House of Learning (Longhouse)