Professor Emeritus
Research Interests
Individual research Interests
Charles Ungerleider is Professor Emeritus of the Department of Educational Studies in the Faculty of Education and Director of Research and Managing Partner of Directions Evidence and Policy Research Group.
He continues to write about a range of topics in education from assessment to xenophobia. He is author of Failing Our Kids: How we are ruining our public schools, a critical examination of the state of public schooling in Canada, a blog On.Education.Canada, and numerous publications in scholarly, professional and popular media. He has taught about the principles of teaching, the sociology of education, the social and organizational context of education in Canada, and educational governance and politics in Canada.
Ungerleider served as Deputy Minister of Education for the Province of British Columbia (1998-2001), Associate Dean for teacher education (1993-1998) in the Faculty of Education (UBC), and Director of Research and Knowledge Mobilization for the Canadian Council on Learning (2005-2010).
Research and Education
Research Projects
Selected Publications
Ungerleider, C. (2003) Failing Our Kids: How we are ruining our public schools. Toronto, Ontario: McClelland & Stewart Publishers.
Ungerleider, C. S. and E. Krieger, (1985). Television and society: An investigative approach, Richmond Hill, Ontario: Irwin Publishing.
Journal Articles
Zadeh, Z.Y., Farnia, F. and Ungerleider, C. (2010) How Home Enrichment Mediates the Relationship Between Maternal Education and Children’s Achievement in Reading and Math, Early Education & Development, 21: 4, 568-594.
Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T. & C. Ungerleider (2010) Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis on the Cognitive Benefits of Bilingualism. Review of Educational Research. 80(2). 207-245.
Adesope, O. O., Lavin, T., Thompson, T. & C. Ungerleider (accepted for publication pending revisions) Best Practices in Teaching Literacy to ESL Immigrant Students: A Meta-Analysis. British Journal of Educational Psychology
Riley, T. and C. Ungerleider (Winter 2008) “Pre-service Teachers’ Discriminatory Judgments.” Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 54(4) 378-387.
Garnett, B, Adamuti-Trache, M. and C. Ungerleider (Fall, 2008) “The Academic mobility of students for whom English is a second language: The roles of ethnicity, language and class,” Alberta Journal of Educational Research. 54(3) 309-326.
Aman, C. & C. Ungerleider (2008) Aboriginal Students and K-12 School Change in British Columbia. Horizons 10 (1) 31-33. http://www.policyresearch.gc.ca/doclib/HOR_v10n1_200803_e.pdf
Ungerleider, C. (2006) Reflections on the Use of Large-Scale Student Assessment for Improving Student Success. Canadian Journal of Education. 29(3) 873-888.
Ungerleider, C.S. (2009) Racism, Justice and Social Cohesion in Canada. In Hier, S., Bolaria, B.S., and D. Lett (Eds.) Racism & Justice : Critical Dialogue on the Politics of Identity, Inequality and Change. Fernwood Publishing Company, Limited. 173-188.
Ungerleider, C. and E. Krieger. (2008) British Columbia: Whose Education? What Reform? in Canadian Perspectives in the Sociology of Education. Cynthia Levine-Rasky, ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press. 275-291.
Ungerleider, C.S. and B. Levin (2007) Accountability, Funding and School Improvement in Canada. In Townsend, T. International Handbook on School Effectiveness and Improvement. The Netherlands: Springer 411-424
Ungerleider, C. & T. Burns (2004) The State and Quality of Canadian Public Education in D. Rafael (Ed.) Social Determinants of Health: Canadian Perspectives. Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. 139-154
Ungerleider, C.S. (2004) “The Multicultural Model: The case of Canada,” Policy Forum on Planning for Diversity: Education in Multi-Ethnic and Multicultural Societies,” Martin, M (ed.) Multiculturalism and Education, Paris: UNESCO International Institute for Educational Planning.
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Charles Ungerleider supervises graduate students whose work focuses on issues of educational policy such as Cheryl Aman’s study “Exploring the influence of school and community relationships on the performance of aboriginal students in British Columbia public schools” (https://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/18522), Bruce Garnett’s study of “The effects of ESL : a case study of mainstream teachers’ perceptions of ESL students and the ESL program at a junior high school” (https://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/9053), and Tasha Riley’s “The face of achievement : influences on teacher decision making about aboriginal students” (https://circle.ubc.ca/handle/2429/16688).
Courses taught
EDUC 420: School Organization in its Social Context
EDST 577: The Social Context of Educational Policy
EADM 531 Politics of Educational Governance