PCOH 3053
Research Interests
Research Supervision Interests
Individual research Interests
Resolving essential questions about human action, social change, and the social role of the classroom is my current research and teaching focus. Answers are emerging to the foregoing question through the implementation of diverse, and sometimes experimental, ways of contributing to the sustainability movement. A recent book, entitled “Adaptive Education: An Inquiry-based Institution,” establishes an innovative pedagogy. I began the serious testing of the attendant theories and concepts immediately. In 2016, I initiated a MEd program in Education for Sustainability that partners graduate students with the City of Vancouver according to successful model created and honed by the CityStudio. This program successfully graduated all 15 students in the fall of 2018. At the same time, a small group of teachers, scholars, and practitioners, including myself, began to investigate ways to establish pathways for the stronger presence of sustainability in the teacher education program at UBC. As of September 2018, the first sustainability cohort in the Teacher Education program at UBC will see 36 pre-service teachers learn ways to integrate sustainability into their practices and curriculum.
Research and Education
Research Projects
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EDST Activity
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