Zhargon: Exploring Yiddish History through Adult Community Education

How can we begin to approach histories that, while significant and formative, are almost completely unknown to us? What happens in the encounter between personal and collective memory and up-to-date historical research? Does engaging in the study of history strengthen identity or participate in its deconstruction?

In this session, we will present a community-based project of adult learning titled “Zhargon: A Journey through the histories of Yiddishkayt” carried out at the Peretz Centre for Secular Jewish Culture in Vancouver in 2021-2023; this project was dedicated to the fascinating histories of Yiddish and Yiddishkayt, the language and culture of Jewish communities in Eastern Europe from around the 12th century to the eve of the Second World War. During the lecture, the two facilitators will discuss the process of creating the course, experiences from the first two iterations of the project, and some thoughts on the connections between history and identity, memory, community and politics.


January 25th, 2024.  Time: 12:00 – 13:30

Thea’s Lounge 452 – 6371 Crescent Road


Itamar Manoff (he/him) PhD candidate in the Department of Educational Studies, UBC;

Jess Goldman (they/them) graduate student in the MFA in Creative Writing Program, UBC.