Primary Author & Co-Authors | Org | Title | Link | Page | Proceeding Year | Presentation Type |
Abu Qaddum, Wesal | CASAE | Revolutionary research in global times | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 560 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Adelino, Lucas & Leslie Ann Cordie | CASAE | Transformative faculty development: Professional learning through an ePortfolio assessment institute | Adelino.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Aggarwal, Pramila; Bill Fallis & Bob Luker | CASAE | The role of adult educators in citizen engagement | Aggarwal.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Agger-Gupta, Niels & Catherine Etmanski | CASAE | Engaged action-oriented research: A call to participatory leadership and action for transformation | Agger-Gupta.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Alamprese, Judith; Daphne Greenberg & Jan Frijters | AAACE | Motivation and adult learners: Lessons from research | Alamprese.pdf | 2021 | Panel | |
Alhadeff-Jones, Michel | ESREA | Between continuity and discontinuity: Conceiving the rhythms of transformative processes in adult education | Alhadeff-Jones.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Anderson Sathe, Laurie; Tes Cotter Zakrzewski, Alessandra Romano, Anne-Liisa Longmore & Debbie Kramlich | AERC | Transformative listening across global contexts: Fostering authentic connection to self, other and community | Anderson Sathe.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Andre, Gwenaëlle; Virginie Thériault & Suzanne Smythe | CASAE | Beyond inclusion: Critical digital literacies and technology practices of power | Andre.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Assinger, Philipp | ESREA | Validation of competences and continuing education and training in the wood-processing industries | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 32 | 2020 | Paper |
Atta, Mai | CASAE | Mapping three waves of political and citizenship education in Egypt | Atta.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Auzinger, Monika & Karin Luomi-Messerer | ESREA | VET at higher levels: Reflections on change processes during the last two decades in Europe | Auzinger.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Avoseh, Mejai Bola | ISCAE | Mẹdagbe and the challenges of sustainable development in global times | Avoseh.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Baden-Clay, Adam | CASAE | Transformative learning in the Pathy Foundation Fellowship: A case study of alumnx experiences | Baden-Clay.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Bainbridge, Alan & Linden West | SCUTREA | When trauma haunts: Creating dialogical adult education in extremis | Bainbridge.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Balayn, Magali (F) | CASAE | Perspective goffmannienne de l’entretien de recherche des kaïros d’autoformation : la relation interlocutive participant au processus d’émancipation du sujet | Balayn.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Bano, Sara; Qing Xia & John Dirkx | Unpacking the notions of cultural learning in short-term study abroad programs in the U.S. for Chinese undergraduate students | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Barros, Rosanna | ESREA | Is there room for the right to education of adults in global times? Reflections from a national policy agenda of Southern Europe | Barros.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Bauer, Petra; Kim Deutsch & Marie Dietrich | AAACE | Questioning the existing and find your own way: Life and vision | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 50 | 2020 | Paper |
Baumgartner, Lisa M.; Joanna Ellis, Kris Hollingsworth & Courtney Peebles | AERC | Learning about COVID-19: Sources, trustworthiness, and beliefs | Baumgartner.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Bélisle, Rachel; Sylvie Roy & Évelyne Mottais | Une communauté active dans le maintien des compétences en lecture et en écriture des adultes sans études postsecondaires | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 55 | 2021 | Paper | |
Belzer, Alisa | AAACE | The imagined learner in Adult Basic Education policy: An international comparison | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 62 | 2020 | Paper |
Benjamin, Amanda; Melissa White & Kendra Haines | CASAE | Still on the rocks: Neoliberalism and adult education in New Brunswick | Benjamin.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Biasin, Chiara & Karen Evans | ESREA | Learning after motherhood: UK women’s retrospective narratives on the impact of having a child in the life course | Biasin.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Blackburn Miller, Jennifer | ISCAE | Developing empathy through social justice theatre in the U.S. and Northern Ireland | BlackburnMiller.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Bohonos, Jeremy W.; Sunny L. Munn, Tonette S. Rocco, Schane D. Coker, Myrian Vidal-Herlle & Mikki L. Johnson | AERC | Exploring issues of power in formal mentoring programs | Bohonos.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Bracci, Francesca & Alessandra Romano | AAACE | Practical creativity and creative practices. Between the head and the hand | Bracci.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Brigham, Susan & Brenda Hattie | CASAE | Anti-oppressive adult education: Reflections from queer, feminist, and critical race perspectives | Brigham.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Brion, Corinne & Carol Rogers-Shaw | CASAE | A journey across the borders of culture, research & identity | Brion.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Broadhead, Samantha J. | SCUTREA | Mature graduates and visual culture learning communities: Working through the Covid-19 pandemic | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 75 | 2020 | Paper |
Brooks, Ann; Rey Lopez, Cindy Peña, Esther Pippins & Yidan Zhu | AAACE | Intergenerational learning: What female family members are learning from each other | Brooks.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Buddeberg, Klaus; Christopher Stammer, Gregor Dutz & Lisanne Heilmann | ESREA | Critical digital competences as a prerequisite to navigate through global flows of information: Findings from a large-scale survey in Germany | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 82 | 2020 | Paper |
Buergelt, Petra; Aliki Nicolaides, John Buck, Marguerite Welch, Alexis Kokkos, Renee Owen, George Koulaouzides, Claudio Melacarne & Mina Wilson | CASAE | Governance in complex and dynamic global contexts: Importance and characteristics that facilitate transformation through adult education | Buergelt.pdf | 2021 | Symposium | |
Butterwick, Shauna & Jan Selman | CASAE | Using participatory theatre to disrupt reactive and divisive public discourse: Arts-based opportunities in adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 91 | 2020 | Paper |
Cadei, Livia & Stefano Bonometti | ESREA | Development of learning careers and professional identities in social and health professions: From tutoring to self-tutoring | Cadei.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Cain, Margaret L.; Jennifer L. Kushner & Cassidy G. Thomas | AERC | Theorizing embodied, collective and societal learning through prefigurative social movements | Cain.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Caples, Linda D. | AERC | Implementing theory of planned behavior in health profession education in Ghana | Caples.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Carpenter, Constance | Portfolio authenticity: How raters' positionality and students' social mediated learning influence the validity of the assessment process | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Carpenter, Sara; Paula Elias, Zahro Hassan & Lance McCready | CASAE | Walls built upon walls: Understanding intersectional barriers to post-secondary education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 98 | 2020 | Panel |
Cennamo, Irene; Catherine Etmanski, Monika Kastner & Silke Schreiber-Barsch | ESREA | Bringing counter-hegemonic spaces to the fore: An international exchange on researching and theorizing (transformative) adult learning and education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 107 | 2020 | Panel |
Chang, Bo | CASAE | The origin and boundaries of learning community | Chang.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Charles-Forbes, Shurla | CASAE | Examination of reasons for workplace training participation/non-participation of employees within Canadian universities | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 221 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Cherewka, Alexis & Esther Prins | CASAE | WIOA-Title II implementation: An integrative literature review | Cherewka.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Cherrstrom, Catherine A.; Carrie J. Boden, Todd Sherron & Lindsey Wilson | AERC | Prior learning assessment: Systematic review of academic literature | Cherrstrom.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Choi, Jinhee & Esther Prins | AERC | “I Embrace my ashes”: North Korean migrants learning about entrepreneurship from failure | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 122 | 2020 | Paper |
Clover, Darlene E. & Kathy Sanford | CASAE | The engendering public pedagogies of museum languages: A feminist pedagogical scripto-visual discourse analysis | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 138 | 2020 | Paper |
Collin, Kaija; Soila Lemmetty & Sara Keronen | ESREA | Human resource management practices enhancing and constraining workplace learning and creativity in Finnish growth organizations | CollinKaija.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Collins, Joshua C.; Tobin Lopes, Jill Zarestky & Ellen Scully-Russ | AERC | Learning at work in female-dominated and male-dominated industries: A PIAAC study | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 145 | 2020 | Paper |
Collins, Royce Ann & Connie Carpenter | AERC | Formal and informal learning transfer in the workplace | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 151 | 2020 | Paper |
Cook, Laurie Ann | CASAE | Exploring the potential of a spiritual approach to entrepreneurship education: Building resiliency and adaptability to help marginalized youth cope with the ‘Long Tail’ of the economic impact of Covid 19 | Cook.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Corkum, Trevor | CASAE | The island as classroom: Space, place, and migrant youth on Prince Edward Island | Corkum.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Coryell, Joellen, Maria Cinque, Monica Fedeli, Angelina Lapina Salazar & Concetta Tino | SCUTREA | European university internationalization, English as the medium of instruction, and instructional professional development: Italian faculty perspectives on teaching international graduate students | Coryell.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Daffron, Sandra R. | CASAE | Planning programs to address wicked problems | Daffron.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Dahl, Audrey | CASAE | Contribution de la connaissance des organisations communautaires dans la compréhension de la pauvreté des femmes | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 159 | 2020 | Paper |
Daniels, Donna; Elizabeth Wigdorski, Neal Ricks, Corinne Brion, Davin Carr-Chellman & Michael Kroth | CASAE | Profound learning of end of life caregivers | Daniels.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Del Gobbo, Giovanna; Daniela Frison & Marta Pellegrini | CASAE | Internship-ON: A work-integrated learning digital model | Del Gobbo.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Devine-Rinehart, Tamara; Michael A. Newsom, Elizabeth Proctor & Carol Rogers-Shaw | CASAE | Creating a culture of learning care in online doctoral study | Devine-Rinehart.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Devol, Tiffany & Qi Sun | AERC | ADHD and mindfulness: Looking to Eastern thought to expand Western practice | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 167 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Dickson, Nicola | Creating delicate spaces: Engaging ‘vulnerable’ young women in non-formal, arts-informed adult learning | No file | 2021 | Poster | ||
Egan, John P. | CASAE | Online unlearning: How Auckland New Zealand Queer young men navigate between “Virginity” and “Netflix and Chill” | Egan.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Egetenmeyer, Regina; Reinhard Lechner, Nina Treusch & Silke Grafe | ESREA | Dimensions for successful digitalisation and mediatisation in adult and continuing education: Initial empirical findings on institutional and organisational contexts | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 178 | 2020 | Paper |
El Ourmi, Mohammed; Angela Barthes, Rebecca Shankland, France Arboix-Calas, Todd Lubart & Hélène Hagège | CASAE | Étude de l’impact d’une formation laïque à l’éthique impliquant la méditation et la réflexivité (FÉMR) sur l’éducation socio-émotionnelle de jeunes adultes | ElOurmi.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Ellis, Joanna R. | SCUTREA | Geek out: Community health education with scientific flare | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 187 | 2020 | Roundtable |
English, Paul Francis | CASAE | Applying Argyris to occupational safety: Understanding double-loop learning in safety | English.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Eschenbacher, Saskia | AERC | Transformative learning theory, a theory in progress? Thoughts from a Habermasian perspective | Eschenbacher.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Faller, Pierre; Irina Lokhtina, Andrea Galimberti & Elzbieta Sanojca | CASAE | Developing Gen Y competencies: Comparing and contrasting four work integrated learning approaches across national contexts | Faller.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Federighi, Paolo; Giovanna Del Gobbo & Daniela Frison | AAACE | A micro-traineeship model to encourage self-directed guidance in higher education of lifelong learning professionals | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 191 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Finnegan, Fergal; Barbara Merrill, Bernd Käpplinger & Michel Alhadeff Jones | CASAE | Critical research on adult education: Reflecting on politics, temporalities and the limits of how we understand and experience criticality | Finnegan.pdf | 2021 | Symposium | |
Flegg, Carol | CASAE | Using arts-based learning to explore the social determinants of health: A case study of critical reflection in Community Health Nursing | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 205 | 2020 | Paper |
Flynn, Patrick | AERC | “Circumstantially Volatile”: A narrative study of the lived first-year experience at a New England liberal arts college | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 213 | 2020 | Paper |
Formenti, Laura; Maria Gravani, Emilio Lucio-Villegas Ramos, Barbara Merrill & Cristina Vieira | ESREA | Diversity: A dialogue about researching communities, gender, class and migrants in Europe | Formenti.pdf | 2021 | Panel | |
Giffin, Amber Lane & Mitsunori Misawa | AERC | Practicing ethical research to empower sexual assault survivors in higher education: An international perspective | Giffin.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Gillard, Spring; Natalia Balyasnikova & Betsy Alkenbrack | CASAE | Something fun: Enhancing English language learning for adult immigrants through the arts | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 231 | 2020 | Panel |
Glowacki-Dudka, Michelle & Amy Baize-Ward | AAACE | Not imposters: Women in leadership overcoming Imposter Syndrome | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 240 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Gnanadass, Edith; Wendy Griswold & Donna Menke | AERC | Human sustainability: Collaborative learning for health and well-being in the academy | Gnadanass.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Godden, Lorraine & Sandy Youmans | CASAE | Adult education in Eastern Ontario: A collective pursuit of collaboration and innovation | Godden.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Gray, Rachel; Amelia B. Cole & Wendy Griswold | AAACE | The contemplative approach and student connectedness | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 243 | 2020 | Paper |
Green, Wendy & Catherine Hansman | AERC | Understanding power, politics, and organizational culture in order to effectively develop interdisciplinary partnerships | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 251 | 2020 | Paper |
Grover, Ashley | Reflections on trauma from within academia: Reading educated as a PhD student with C-PTSD | Grover.pdf | 2021 | Poster | ||
Guo, Yan & Shibao Guo | CASAE | Toward global mindedness: Exploring adult learning experiences of study abroad students | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 266, 275 | 2020 | Paper |
Gutierrez, Jannette Wei-Ting Wang | AAACE | Attitudes toward homosexuality at a private college in Taiwan | Gutierrez.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Hagège, Hélène; Mohammed El Ourmi, France Arboix-Calas, Christophe Leys, Todd Lubart & Rebecca Shankland | Assessment of the impact of the Mindfulness-Based Ethics of Responsibility (MBER) program on indicators of creativity and other soft skills | Hagege.pdf | 2021 | Paper | ||
Haghgou, Shirin; Sara Carpenter, Bahar Biazar, Chandni Desair, Genevieve Ritchie & Shahrzad Mojab | Teaching and learning through contradictions: Migration and resettlement on occupied land | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Hall, Budd & Catherine Etmanski | CASAE | Challenging the master’s tools: Pedagogies of community-based participatory research | Hall.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Hanser, Christian | ESREA | Public pedagogies in a 'private' hut: Facilitating civic sanctuary around the wood fire of a vagabond shed space | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 300 | 2020 | Paper |
Hansman, Catherine A. & Amy D. Rose | ISCAE | Policy or boundaries: The development of the academic field of adult education in Canada and the U.S., 1950-1970 | Hansman.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Hanson, Cindy | CASAE | Colonial acts and critical voices: Adult education for the public good | Hanson.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Harman, Kerry | SCUTREA | The possibilities of a Feminist Political Aesthetics: Creating moments of equality in adult education research | Harman.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Harrison, Ursula | ALA | “I learnt to look at the devil”: Developing advocacy skills through learning in Neighbourhood Houses | Harrison.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Hegab, Menna A. | Feminist philosophy of disability and university accessibility | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Helsinger, Abigail; Nytasia Hicks, Phyllis Cummins & Takashi Yamashita | AAACE | Domestic and international perspectives on implementing alternatives to finance lifelong learning | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 311 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Helsinger, Abigail; Samuel Van Vleet & Phyllis Cummins | CASAE | Strategies to provide learning opportunities to low-skilled adults | HelsingerRoundtable.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Herscu-Kluska, Ronit; Sara Pe'er & Shai Shafir | ESREA | How to teach science to older adults? Educators' perspective | Herscu-Kluska.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Higgins, Patricia J. & Mitsunori Misawa | AERC | Was it a dream or nightmare? A narrative exploration of adult refugee learners’ experiences in a community college | Higgins.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Hill, Lilian H. & Isaac-Savage, E. Paulette | Program closures: What happens to faculty left behind? | Hill.pdf | 2021 | Paper | ||
Ho, Yan Yin & Lyndon Lim | SCUTREA | Connecting characteristics with learning behaviours: A report of learning behaviours exhibited by adult learners pursuing tertiary education in an Asian context | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 315 | 2020 | Paper |
Hoggan, Chad & Bill Browning | AAACE | Transformational learning in community colleges | Hoggan.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Holst, John D. | AERC | Towards a political economy of adult education and globalization: Theoretical insights for confronting wicked problems in global times | Holst.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Home, Alice M. | CASAE | Fostering mutual learning in a community-university research project | Home.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Hutchinson, Amy | AAACE | Factors influencing community college students' persistence in completing an applied science degree | Hutchinson.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Hwang, Jihee; Chang Sung Jang, Junghwan Kim & In Tak Kwon | AERC | Learning experiences and college access of American workers: Evidence from PIAAC | CASAE 2020 proceedings | ??? missing? | 2020 | Paper |
Ignatovich, Lena | CASAE | The construction of lifelong education in the Soviet Union in the 1970s: Re-reading the Faure Report (1972) from the Soviet perspective | Ignatovich.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Ilieva-Trichkova, Petya & Pepka Boyadjieva | ESREA | Participation in adult education as a layered process: Reconsidering the effects of social origin and innovation | Ilieva-Trichkova.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Irving, Catherine J. & Robin Neustaeter | CASAE | Opening windows for collective dialogue: Learning from local women’s voices for peace e-conference | Irving.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Jiang, Xiaoying | AERC | China’s international aid to adult education | Jiang.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Jin, Bora & Elizabeth Roumell | CASAE | Older adults’ physical identity development through learning: A grounded theory study | Jin.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Jones, Jaye | AERC | “They just don't invest in those students…" Adult literacy education and the shift to career readiness: Conversations with veteran educators in the US | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 333 | 2020 | Paper |
Jones, Shanika | AAACE | WIA effectiveness: An analysis on workforce investment programs and their effectiveness in creating job retention and earning potential | Jones.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Jurkova, Sinela | CASAE | Transcultural model of learning: A new horizon in adult education | Jurkova.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Kaiser, Leann; Kelly McKenna & Kalpana Gupta | AAACE | Distance adult education: Challenges and opportunities to facilitate learning for a global audience | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 347 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Kaufmann-Kuchta, Katrin; Diana Trevino-Eberhard, Anna Bernhardt & Sarah Widany | ESREA | International comparison of adult education providers | Kaufmann-Kuchta.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Keser Aschenberger, Filiz; Stefan Vater, Bettina Thöne-Geyer & Monika Kil | Re-considering the wider benefits of adult learning in Europe | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Kloubert, Tetyana & Chad Hoggan | AAACE | Dialogic rationality: A response to today's epistemological crisis | Kloubert.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Kobrin, Jennifer | AERC | The role of peer inquiry communities in advancing technology integration for practitioners in adult basic education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 367 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Kolenick, Paul M. | CASAE | Social presence as transformative learning: A self-study of online graduate adult education | Kolenick.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Kondratjuk, Maria | Low-educated adults’ pathways to opportunities in the labor market | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Kopecký, Martin | ESREA | Perspectives of the cosmopolitan turn in adult education research: A Beckian inspiration | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 378 | 2020 | Paper |
Kroth, Michael; Davin J. Carr-Chellman & Carol Rogers-Shaw | CASAE | Exploring the relationship of profound learning and human flourishing through the lens of formation | Kroth.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Kteily-Hawa, Roula; Vijaya Chikermane, Mandana Vahabi, Jaspreet Soor, Lori Chambers & Josephine Wong | CASAE | Story sharing as a culturally relevant approach in adult sexual health education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 385 | 2020 | Paper |
Kühn, Christian & Steffi Robak | ESREA | Adult education research in the context of digital transformation: Concepts and perspectives for a complex field of research | Kühn.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Kuk, Hye-Su | AERC | Adult education and the nation-state: A systematic review of literature | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 393 | 2020 | Paper |
Kukovetz, Brigitte; Annette Sprung & Petra Wlasak | CASAE | Exploring utopia for active urban citizenship in the age of migration: A case study from Graz, Austria | kukovetz.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Leitner, Karl-Heinz; Filiz Keser Aschenberger, Susanne Giesecke, Robert Kalcik, Doris Schartinger & Attila Pausits | Future of non-formal and informal learning: Trends, drivers and possible paths of evolution | Leitner.pdf | 2021 | Paper | ||
Lemmetty, Soila | ESREA | Self-directed workplace learning: Toward a sociocultural viewpoint | Lemmetty.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Lewellen, Chelesea & Jeremy Bohonos | The view from here is obstructed: Glass ceiling, concrete ceiling and intersectionality: Additional barriers that prohibit career success for African American women in the academy | No file | 2021 | Poster | ||
Li, Beixi | AERC | Building intercultural maturity: Informal and incidental learning among volunteers in adult ESL contexts | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 401 | 2020 | Paper |
Liang, Siyin | CASAE | International graduate learners' experiences of internationalization in the formal curriculum | Liang.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Lim, Ahreum; Aliki Nicolaides & Chan Lee | AERC | Exploring the contextualizaiton of workplace spirituality in South Korean startups | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 408 | 2020 | Paper |
Lucio-Villegas, Emilio | ESREA | Brideshead revisited: Raymond Williams, Antonio Gramsci and an emancipatory adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 431 | 2020 | Paper |
Lynam, Abigail & Steven Schapiro | AERC | Development of ego stages and intercultural sensitivity through doctoral study | Lynam.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Maltesen, Jeannie L. | CASAE | What characteristics account for who participates in adult basic education at Vancouver Island University? A case of policy and practice | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 444 | 2020 | Paper |
Marsick, Victoria Jean & Amra Sabic-El-Rayess | CASAE | Transformative learning and extremism | Marsick.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Mason, Stephanie | CASAE | Using the material(ism)s given: Emerging themes of material affect on adults’ informal learning within public places in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 453 | 2020 | Paper |
May, Maricela & Jereny W. Bohonos | CASAE | Faculty development programs: The need for evidence-based practice | May.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Mayoh-Bauche, Jamie | CASAE | Disrupting adult education program planning: Creating a Spirals Model of emergent planning for creative, connected change | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 460 | 2020 | Paper |
McElhaney Peebles, Courtney | Using culturally responsive evaluation to understand research development learning communities | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
McGray, Robert | CASAE | Historiography and Canadian adult education: Mapping trends over forty years | McGray.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
McVicar, Lindsay | Social movement learning among a feminist, prison abolitionist advocacy organization: A basic qualitative study | No file | 2021 | Poster | ||
Mirchandani, Kiran & Skelton Tracey | Navigating the racial landscape: Youth experiences of education and work in Singapore | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Mizzi, Robert & Gerald Walton | CASAE | Moving beyond myopia: Queer pedagogy in globalized adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 486 | 2020 | Paper |
Mufic, Johanna | ESREA | The quality issue in Swedish municipal adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 493 | 2020 | Paper |
Munn, Sunny Lynne; Jeremy Bohonos, Jill Zarestky, Joshua Collins & Tonette Rocco | AERC | Writing and publishing for early career academics | Munn.pdf | 2021 | Panel | |
Murphy, Mason | Poetry and adult learning: A creative method of exploration | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Murray, Michael; Bernie Grummell | The elephant in the room: Adult education, schooling and the pedagogy of fear | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Murray-Johnson, Kayon; Edith Gnanadass & Maria Vetter | CASAE | Where do we go from here? Immigrant scholars on race and the teaching of race | Murray-Johnson.pdf | 2021 | Symposium | |
Nesbit, Tom; Ellen Boeren, Sara Carpenter, Shahrzad Mojab, Kjell Rubenson, Shirley Walters & Jeff Zacharakis | CASAE | Adult education and social class | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 499 | 2020 | Symposium |
Neustaeter, Robin | CASAE | Women’s peace leadership learning in dynamic times: The role of adult educators | Neustaeter.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Nikischer, Andrea | AAACE | Universal design for trauma | Nikischer.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Ollis, Tracey, Ursula Harrison & Cheryl Ryan | ALA | “Every day you learn something”: Adult learning, discovery and transformation in Australian Neighbourhood Houses | Ollis.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Olszewski, Carol A. & Catherine A. Hansman | AERC | Action is demonstrative of critical reflection and “disorienting dilemma” is démodé | Olszewski.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Orozco, Luis Eduardo | CASAE | Immigrants facing downward mobility: The role of technology to access educational resources | Orozco.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Orozco, Luis Eduardo & Regina Giraldo-Garcia | AAACE | Under social unrest: Using social media as an enabler for education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 782 | 2020 | Poster |
Park, Tulare Williams; Carol Rogers-Shaw & Dorca Kisare-Ressler | AERC | Third shift labor of advanced career learners: Growing the adult education field | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 534 | 2020 | Paper |
Peña, Cindy; Jessica Quintero, Elizabeth Castañeda & Sonia Rey Lopez | AERC | A Chicana feminist epistemology in adult education: A literature review | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 542 | 2020 | Paper |
Pethrick, Helen | CASAE | Learners' experiences of mental distress during first-year university: Narrating lives in transition | Pethrick.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Phaetthayanan, Suwimon | CASAE | Transfer of training between social life and work life from a mindfulness perspective | Phaetthayanan.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Pickard, Amy & Bonnie Slade | CASAE | International online partnerships: Building cooperative global citizenship amid local particularities | Pickard.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Pilch Ortega, Angela | CASAE | Adult education and community learning: Opportunities for social learning among distribution conflicts, social vulnerability and solidarity building | Pilch Ortega.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Pippins, Esther S. & Jeremy W. Bohonos | CASAE | What is literacy, why does it matter in the workforce, and why should organizations care? | Pippins.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Pope, Elizabeth M.; Nadira K. Charaniya & Jane West Walsh | A qualitative meta-synthesis for a theory of interfaith/interreligious learning through dialogue | Pope.pdf | 2021 | Paper | ||
Pratt, Nancy M.; Wendy M. Green, Marius Boboc & Catherine Hansman | AERC | Continuing and community education as engaged learning | PrattGreen.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
President, Marketa; Elice E. Rogers & Jonathan E. Messemer | AERC | Disability matters: IDEIA, Section 504, and ADA: What do these acts mean for African American learners who experience intellectual disabilities? A critical literature review | President.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Raikou, Natassa | CASAE | Redefining adulthood: Students’ emerging adulthood and the role of university in adult development and education | Raikou.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Ramdeholl, Dianne; Jaye Jones & Lisa Merriweather | CASAE | Understanding social justice: Learning and movements in adult education (Part II) | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 564 | 2020 | Symposium |
Rasmussen, Palle; Marcella Milana, Sandra Vatrella & Anne Larson | ISCAE | How the OECD’s PIAAC survey enters the popular press discourse in Italy and Denmark | Rasmussen.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Regmi, Kapil | CASAE | Political economy of program planning: Towards a new planning model for adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 596 | 2020 | Paper |
Reischmann, Jost; John Henschke, John Holford, Katarina Popovic & Tom Sork | ISCAE | Giants of international and comparative adult education | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 604 | 2020 | Panel |
Ren, Zheng; Hongxia Shan & Yonghong Ma | CASAE | Academic learning of Chinese international visiting doctoral students: An exploratory study of the impact of academic mobility | Ren.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Roadman, Jessica | AERC | The power of the mindbody: Collective somatic learning in community organizing groups | Roadman.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Rogers-Shaw, Carol; Tulare Williams Park & Kayla D. Mohney | CASAE | Life transitions and disability: The role of adult education | Rogers-Shaw.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Rose, Susan & Davin Carr-Chellman | CASAE | Organic mentoring: An integrative literature review | Rose.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Ross, Sherri & Kaela Jubas | CASAE | Recognizing and overcoming the real risks of fiction: Lessons about incorporating popular culture into professional education curriculum | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 339? Jubas first author? | 2020 | Paper |
Ross-Gordon, Jovita; Anke Grotlüschen, M Cecil Smith, Thomas J. Smith, Amy D. Rose, Jill Zarestky & Marion Fleige | AERC | Differences between US and German adults in native-born and migrants’ participation in volunteering as a dimension of civic engagement | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 612 | 2020 | Paper |
Roy, Carole & Lindsay McVicar | CASAE | The practice of freedom: A case study of a film and discussion series in a carceral setting | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 619 | 2020 | Paper |
Rubenson, Kjell; Ellen Boeren, SongHeee Han, Shirley Walters & Ashley Stepanek | CASAE | Towards a more inclusive discourse on adult learning and education (ALE): A critical examination of the role of the Global Report on Adult Learning (GRALE) program | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 626 | 2020 | Symposium |
Sabah, Najmus | CASAE | Adult education practices in northern Pakistan: A thematic literature review and critique from a development perspective | Sabah.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Samuel, Anita | A new conceptualization of online teaching: Revelations from a dramaturgical perspective | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Samuel, Anita & Ronald Cervero | Adult education implications from a scoping review of CPD in Health Professions Education | No file | 2021 | Poster | ||
Santiago, Elizabeth | AERC | Accelerating literacy for adult learners | Santiago.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Santos, Humberto de Faria; Cindy Peña & Joellen E. Coryell | CASAE | A fourfold model for addressing organizational digital ethics practices through HRD and continuing education | Santos.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Scott, Heidi K.; Rusty Vineyard, Laura Holyoke, Davin Carr-Chellman & Michael Kroth | CASAE | Grounded and visionary: An investigation into profound leadership | Scott.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Shan, Hongxia; Amy Chen, Nasim Peikazadi & Yeonjoo Kim | CASAE | Fostering diversity work as lifelong learning: A partnership case study with an immigrant services organization | Shan.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Shin, Heh Youn | AERC | A critical examination of immigrant integration policies and adult education practices in South Korea | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 634 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Slade, Bonnie; Maria Gravani, Larrissa Jogi & Maria Brown | SCUTREA | Learner-centred education and adult education for migrants: A cross-case analysis of programmes for adult migrants in four European cities | Slade.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Sondermeyer, Elizabeth G. & Leslie Cordie | CASAE | Faculty learning communities: Peer collaboration as professional development | Sondermeyer.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Sousa, José Wellington | CASAE | South and North in dialogue: Are new possibilities for a decolonizing community-based research practice possible? | sousa.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
St. Clair, Ralf & Bernd Käpplinger | CASAE | Made in Germany, matured abroad: Andragogy as token in global adult education | StClair.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Stevens, Cynthia & Gabriele Strohschen | Prior learning assessment re-theorizing: Refueling the revolution | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Sun, Qi & Haijun Kang | Cross-cultural scholarship beyond "authentic" cuisine: A narrative inquiry | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Tabbagh, Diane & Leone Wheeler | ALA | Wyndham City: A tale of steady progress towards a sustainable learning community | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 647 | 2020 | Paper |
Taber, Nancy & Ashley Grover | CASAE | Pedagogies of gender in war museums in Canada, Europe, and the UK: A feminist antimilitarist discourse analysis | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 656 | 2020 | Paper |
Tavaras, Debra | AERC | The unintentional consequences of good intentions | Tavaras.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Taylor, Alison | CASAE | Professional education, professional work and professional practice | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 678 | 2020 | Paper |
Taylor, April | AAACE | Lifelong learning as performance management criteria in private sector employment | TaylorApril.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Taylor, Kathleen; Catherine Marienau & John Dirkx | CASAE | The power of emotion in adult learning: Perspectives from affective neuroscience and post-Jungian psychology | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 684 | 2020 | Symposium |
Taylor, Victoria & Chelesea Lewellen | She can see success from here but I can't: The glass ceiling and concrete ceiling’s role in African American women’s career | No file | 2021 | Roundtable | ||
Threet, Ali; Michael Kroth & Davin Carr-Chellman | CASAE | Generosity, gratitude and mindset: How they relate to each other and adult education | Threet.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Tighe, Elizabeth & Gal Kaldes | AAACE | Building morphological assessments for struggling adult readers: Highlights and updates | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 700 | 2020 | Roundtable |
Tomlinson, Erin Ruth | CASAE | Exploring the constitution of Canadian-born working-class women’s subjectivities in higher education through collective biography | Tomlinson.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Unroe, Colleen | AERC | Education and learning to support a just transition in Central Appalachia | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 711 | 2020 | Paper |
Van Nieuwenhove, Lisse & Bram De Wever | CASAE | Extending the Theory of Planned Behavior: The role of educational background and learning experiences in (not) participating in adult education | VanNieuwenhove.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Vieira, Cristina C.; Virgínia Ferreira, Maria João Silveirinha, Priscila Freire & Elizangêla Carvalho | ESREA | The place of adult education in gender studies, feminist studies and women´s studies: A thematic analysis of the main subjects of articles published during two decades in an indexed Portuguese journal | vieira.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Voyer, Brigitte; Anna Maria Zaidman, Jean-Pierre Mercier, Chantal Ouellet & Sylvie Ouellet | CASAE | Basic education for adults in the Québec school system: A conceptual model for the analysis of teaching practices | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 718 | 2020 | Paper |
Walker, Jude; Marcella Milana, Anke Grotluschen & Elizabeth Roumell | CASAE | Cross Atlantic conversations: Trends in European and North American adult education policy | walker.pdf | 2021 | Symposium | |
Walter, Pierre | CASAE | Decolonising, transformative visitor education and learning in living history museums | Walter.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Walters, Shirley | CASAE | Climate justice: Living and learning through crises in `a city of islands’ | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 726 | 2020 | Paper |
Wang, Viktor | Andragogical or pedagogical leadership styles | No file | 2021 | Paper | ||
Warrner, Jennifer | Providing career readiness support to students during a global pandemic | No file | 2021 | Paper | ||
Webber, Geoff & Craig Campbell | CASAE | University extension programs and residential learning centers in Canada | Webber.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
West, Linden & Laura Formenti | ESREA | The art and suffering of dialogical learning: The inspiration of metalogue in adult education | West.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Whalen, Gina Celeste | AERC | Addressing a global epidemic: Opportunities for adult education to assist suicide loss survivors | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 741 | 2020 | Paper |
Williams, Jessica C. & Susan Yelich Biniecki | CASAE | Learning and education in social movement organizations of the poor and dispossessed | Williams.pdf | 2021 | Roundtable | |
Wooten, Michael & Leslie Cordie | AAACE | Professional development and its relationship to workforce traits: A multi-national study | Wooten.pdf | 2021 | Poster | |
Yong, Karen Elizabeth | AERC | Anti-harassment training programmes in the RCMP: Is organizational transformative learning possible? | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 748 | 2020 | Paper |
Zeuner, Christine | CASAE | Lifelong learning through paid educational leave: Individual experiences and effects | Zeuner.pdf | 2021 | Paper | |
Zhao, Yifan & Jian Huang | AERC | Reflection and perspective on international workplace learning research:A literature review | CASAE 2020 proceedings | 765 | 2020 | Paper |