Office: Ponderosa Commons 3079
Website: http://blogs.ubc.ca/paths/
Research Interests
Individual research Interests
Editor, Canadian Journal of Higher Education (2005-2013)
Chair in International Comparative Studies in Social Sciences DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst/German Academic Exchange Service) Bremen International School of Social Sciences University of Bremen, Germany, and Fellow, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg (Institute for Advanced Study), Delmenhorst, Germany (April–October 2010)
My research and teaching interests include issues of inequality and access, transition across the life course; sociology of education; foundations of higher education; and quantitative and qualitative research methods. My research focuses on the intersecting domains of participation in post-secondary education, equality of educational opportunity, and the relationship between institutional structures and individuals as agents from an international comparative perspective. My main research project is the Paths on Life’s Way study, a 33-year longitudinal study of BC young adults.
Research website: Paths on Life’s Way Project
Research and Education
Research Projects
Paths on Life’s Way Project
COVID-19 and the Work/Family Interface: Gender, Education, Labour Market Inequalities, Household Dynamics, and Individual Wellbeing from a Life Course Perspective. SSHRC Insight Grant (2022-2024)
The Class of 1988 33 Years Later: A Focus on COVID-19. UBC Faculty of Education Incubator Grant (2021)
A 28 Year Longitudinal Follow-up of the Paths on Life’s Way Respondents. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer Grant (2017)
Other Grants
Canadian Socio-political Cleavages in Comparative Perspective. SSHRC Insight Grant (collaborator; PI S. Wilkins-Laflamme (2023-2027))
Selected Publications
New Publications!
Andres, L., Jongbloed, J., Pullman, A., Phan, S. (2024 online). Tertiary education as social policy: Comparative theoretical perspectives. Journal of International and Comparative Social Policy, 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1017/ics.2024.11
Jongbloed, J., Turgetto, Andres. L, & Lauterbach, W. (2024). Education, employment, and care work over adulthood: Gendered life course trajectories in Canada and Germany, Journal of Education and Work. https://doi.org/10.1080/13639080.2024.2362630
Andres, L. (2024). Capturing complexity through longitudinal research: The Canadian Paths on Life’s Way Project. In J. Cook, Q. Maire and J. Wyn (Eds.), Longitudinal methods in youth research: Understanding young lives across time and space (pp. 149-161). Singapore: Springer Nature.
Andres, L. (in press, 2025). Teaching survey research design. In L. Foster, W. Mason, & K. Nichols (Eds.), Teaching research methods in sociology. Edward Elgar Publishers.
Andres, L. (2012). Designing and doing survey research. London: Sage.
Andres, L., & Wyn, J. (2010). The making of a generation. Children of the 1970s in adulthood. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Andres, L., & Finlay, F. (Eds.). (2004). Student affairs: Experiencing higher education. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Andres, L. (Ed.) (1999). Revisiting the issue of access to higher education in Canada. Winnipeg: Centre for Higher Education Research and Development/Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education Reader Series, No. 5. (143 pages)
Refereed Journal Articles
Andres, L. (2023). Education, homogamy, reproduction, and inequality: A Twenty-eight year intergenerational perspective of Canadian families. Journal of Youth Studies. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13676261.2023.2248901
Jongbloed, J., & Andres, L. (2023). Charting wellbeing over adulthood into pandemic times: A longitudinal perspective. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies, 14(3), 403-426. https://doi.org/10.1332/175795921X16715373405417
Andres, L. (2022). Higher education and the marriage market: Educational attainment, educational homogamy, and inequality. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 52(1), 51-69.
Antonini, M., Pullman, A., Fuller, S., & Andres, L. (2022). Pre- and postpartum employment patterns: Comparing leave policy reform in Canada and Switzerland. Community, Work & Family, 25(3), 302-329.
Andres, L., Lauterbach, W., Jongbloed, J., & Hümme, H., (2021). Gender, education, and labour market participation across the life course: A Canada/Germany comparison. International Journal of Lifelong Education, 40(2), 170-189.
Andres, L., & Pullman, A. (2019). General and work-based extrinsic educational beliefs across time: From late youth to middle adulthood. Journal of Youth Studies, 22(19), 291-311.
Jongbloed, J., & Andres, L. (2015). Elucidating the constructs happiness and wellbeing: A mixed-methods approach. International Journal of Wellbeing, 5(3), 1-20.
Ashbourne, D., & Andres, L. (2015). Athletics, music, languages, and leadership: How parents influence the extracurricular activities of their children. Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l’éducation 38(2), 1-34.
Andres, L., Bengtsen, S., Crossouard, B., Gallego, L., Keefer, J., & Pyhältö, K. (2015). Drivers and interpretations of doctoral education today. National comparisons. Frontline Learning Research, 3(3), 1-18.
Pullman, A., & Andres, L. (2015). Two sides of the same coin? Applied and general higher education gender stratification in Canada. In C. Imdorf, K. Hegna , & L. Reisel (Eds.), Gender segregation in vocational education (Comparative Social Research, Volume 31) (pp. 237-262). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
Andres, L., & Pechar, H. (2013). Participation patterns in higher education: A comparative welfare and production regime perspective. European Journal of Education, 48(2), 247-261.
Pechar, H., Ates, G., & Andres, L. (2012). The “new doctorate” in Austria: Progress toward a professional model or status quo? Center for Educational Policy Studies Journal, 2(4), 91-109.
Pechar, H., & Andres, L. (2011). Higher education policy and welfare regimes: International comparative perspectives. Higher Education Policy, 24, 25-52.
Wyn, J., & Andres, L. (2011). Navigating complex lives: An international comparative perspective on young people’s trajectories. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 5(S1), 17-21.
Andres, L. (2010). New pathways to what? The dynamics of education, work, and family. Éducation et Sociétés, 26(2), 45-69.
Pearson, M. L., & Andres, L. (2010). Rural job location decisions of pharmacy graduates. American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education, 74(4), Article 74.
Andres, L., & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2008). Life course transitions, social class, and gender: A fifteen year perspective of the lived lives of Canadian young adults. Journal of Youth Studies, 11(2), 115–45.
Adamuti-Trache, M., & Andres, L. (2008). Embarking on and persisting in scientific fields of study: Social class, gender, and curriculum along the science pipeline. International Journal of Science Education, 30(12), 1557–84.
Andres, L., Adamuti-Trache, M., Soon, E-S., Pidgeon, M., & Thomsen, J-P. (2007). Educational expectations, parental social class, gender, and post-secondary attainment: A ten year perspective. Youth & Society, 39(2), 135–63.
Andres, L., & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2007). You’ve come a long way, baby? University enrolment and completion by women and men in Canada 1979-2004. Canadian Public Policy, 33(1), 1–24.
Andres, L., & Licker, A. (2005). Beyond brain drain: The dynamics of geographic mobility and educational attainment of B.C. young women and men. Canadian Journal of Higher Education. 35(1), 1–36
Andres, L. & Grayson, P. (2003). Parents, Educational Attainment, Jobs and Satisfaction: What’s the Connection? A Ten Year Portrait of Canadian Young Women and Men. Journal of Youth Studies, 6(4).
Andres, L. (2001). Transfer from community college to university: Perspectives of British Columbia students. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 31(3), 35–74.
Andres, L., & Looker, E.D. (2001). Rurality and capital: Educational expectations and attainment of rural, urban/rural and metropolitan youth. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 31(2), 1–46.
Andres, L., Anisef, P., Krahn, H., Looker, D., & Thiessen, V. (1999). The persistence of social structure: Class and gender effects on the occupational aspirations of Canadian youth. Journal of Youth Studies, 2(3), 261-282.
Andres, L. & Krahn, H. (1999). Youth pathways in articulated post-secondary systems: Enrolment and completion patterns of urban young women and men. Canadian Journal of Higher Education, 29(1), 47-82.
Andres, L. (1998). Rational choice or cultural reproduction? Tracing transitions of young Canadians to higher education. Nordisk Pedagogik (Journal of Nordic Educational Research), 18(4), 197-206.
Book Chapters
Andres, L. (2023). Gendered employment trajectories across the life course: A 28-year perspective. In J. Wyn, H. Cahill & H. Cuervo (Eds.), Handbook of children and youth studies (pp. 1-18). Singapore: Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-4451-96-3_88-1
Andres, L. (2022). Theories of the sociology of higher education access and participation. In J. Côté & S. Pickard (Eds.), Routledge handbook of the sociology of higher education (pp. 149-159). Second edition. Oxon: Routledge.
Andres, L., & Pullman, A. (2018). Vertically segregated higher education and the life course: Comparing patterns over 28 years. In M. Shah & J. Mckay (Eds.), Achieving equity and academic excellence in higher education: Global perspectives in an era of widening participation? (pp. 25-50). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Andres, L. (2017). The Paths on Life’s Way Project: A mixed methods longitudinal life course study. In B. Flett (Ed.), SAGE Research Methods cases in education (online). London: Sage.
Andres, L. (2016). Theories of the sociology of higher education access and participation. In J. Côté & A. Furlong (Eds.), Routledge handbook of the sociology of higher education (pp. 29-39). Oxon: Routledge.
Andres, L. (2015). Taking stock of 50 years of participation in Canadian higher education. In M. Shah, A.K. Bennett, & E. Southgate (Eds.), Widening higher education participation: A global perspective (pp. 15-33). Oxford: Elsevier.
Andres, L. (2009). The cumulative impact of capital and identity construction across time: A fifteen year perspective of Canadian young women and men. In K. Robson & C. Sanders (Eds.), Quantifying theory: Bourdieu (p.75-88). Berlin: Springer.
Andres, L. & Adamuti-Trache, M. (2009). University attainment, student loans, and adult life course activities: A fifteen year portrait of British Columbia young adults. In R. Finnie, R. Mueller, A. Sweetman, & A. Usher (Eds.), Who goes? Who stays? What matters? New empirical evidence on participation in post-secondary education in Canada (pp. 239-275). Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Andres, L. (2004). Today’s post-secondary students: Adding faces to numbers. In L. Andres & F. Finlay (Eds.), Student affairs: Experiencing higher education (pp. 1-13). Vancouver: UBC Press.
Andres, L. (2003). More than sorcery required: The challenge of matching education and skills for life and work. In H. Schuetze & R. Sweet (Eds.), Alternation education and training: Preparing for work in the new economy (pp. 113–34). Montreal: McGill-Queens University Press.
Andres, L. (1999). Multiple life sphere participation by young adults. In W. Heinz (Ed.), From education to work: Cross-national perspectives (pp. 149–70). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Andres, L. (1994). Capital, habitus, field, and practice: An introduction to the work of Pierre Bourdieu. In L. Erwin & D. MacLennan (Eds.), Sociology of education in Canada (pp. 120–35). Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman Ltd.
Andres, L. & Guppy, N. (1991). Opportunities and obstacles for women in Canadian higher education. In J. Gaskell & A. McLaren (Eds.), Women and education: A Canadian perspective (pp. 163–92). Calgary: Detselig Enterprises.
Selected Research Reports
D’Silva, R., Andres, L., Bin, A., Wilkinson, M., & Burnham, J. (2022). Equity in faculty hiring: Evaluation of a two-year faculty hiring pilot initiative. University of British Columbia, Faculty of Education. 19 pages.
Andres, L. (2015). A Look Back. A Retrospective Analysis of the Sequence of Life Course Events over 22 Years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer. (25 pages)
Andres, L. (2015). Summary Report. A Look Back. A Retrospective Analysis of the Sequence of Life Course Events over 22 Years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer. (4 pages)
Andres, L. (2013). No credential? Post-secondary participation and life activity patterns of the Class of ’88. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.
Andres, L. (2013). Summary Report: No credential? Post-secondary participation and life activity patterns of the Class of ’88. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.
Andres, L. & Offerhaus. (2013). Customized lives? Multiple life course activities of the Class of ’88 over 22 years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.
Andres, L. & Offerhaus. (2013). Summary report: Customized lives? Multiple life course activities of the Class of ’88 over 22 years. BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.
Andres, L., & Offerhaus, J. (2012). The mosaic of post-secondary institutional attendance: A twenty-two year perspective. Vancouver: BC Council on Admissions and Transfer.
Pidgeon, M., & Andres, L. (2008a). “Lessons learned, wisdoms shared:” The third year experiences of international and domestic students at the University of British Columbia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (49 pages)
Pidgeon, M.., & Andres, L. (2008b).“We’ve almost made it!” A comparative study of the third year experiences of international and domestic students at four Canadian universities. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (80 pages)
Pidgeon, M., & Andres, L. (2006a). Does “it” get any easier? A comparative study of the second year experiences of international and domestic students at four Canadian universities. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (89 pages)
Pidgeon, M., & Andres, L. (2006b). “Experienced and some-what wiser.” The experiences of second year international and domestic students at the University of British Columbia. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (89 pages)
Pidgeon, M., & Andres, L. (2005). Demands, challenges, rewards: The first year experiences of international and domestic students at four Canadian universities. Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (94 pages)
Andres, L., Lukac, B., & Pidgeon, M. (2005). What do first year international and domestic students have to say about their experiences at UBC?Vancouver: University of British Columbia. (88 pages)
Andres, L. (2002). Paths on life’s way: Transitions of British Columbia young adults in a changing society. Base line study (1988) and first follow-up (1989). Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia. (45 pages)
Andres, L. (2002). Paths on life’s way: Phase II follow-up Survey 1993, five years later. Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia. (69 pages)
Andres, L. (2002). Paths on life’s way: Transitions of British Columbia young adults in a changing society. Phase III follow-up Survey 1998, ten years later. Vancouver: Department of Educational Studies, University of British Columbia. (115 pages)
Encyclopedia Entries
Andres, L. (2019). Stratification: Functional and conflict theories. In G. Ritzer & C. Rojek (Eds.), Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2nd Edition.
Pechar, H., & Andres, L. (2015). Academic careers in comparative perspective. International Encyclopedia of Social & Behavioral Science 2nd Edition, 26-30.
Andres, L. (2013). Cultural capital and gender. In J. Ainsworth (Ed.), Sociology of education: An A-to-Z guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
Andres, L. (2013). Longitudinal studies in education, Sociology of education: An A-to-Z guide. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Torry, Jennifer (2020). Configuration Conundrum: Teachers’ Beliefs about Grade-Span Configuration and Reading Achievement. (MA).
Pullman, Ashley (2017). Dimensions of Educational Stratification: Non-standard Employment, Workplace Task Discretion, and Educational Beliefs. (PhD)
Cowin, Bob (2017). Public Policy and the Structural Development of Postsecondary education in British Columbia, Canada, 1960 – 2015. (PhD)
Phan, Sopheap (2015). Envisioning a Higher Education System for the 21st Century: Cambodia. (PhD)
James, Cindy (2014). Emotional Intelligence and Higher Education Students. (PhD)
Ashbourne, Dianne (2013). Education, Beliefs, and Experiences: Examining the Role of Parents in Children’s Extracurricular Activity Participation. (MA)
Jongbloed, Janine (2012). Happiness, well-being, and post-secondary attainment: Measuring the subjective well-being of British Columbia’s high school graduating class of 1988. (MA)
Pidgeon, Michelle (2008). It Takes More Than Good Intentions: Institutional Accountability and Responsibility to Indigenous Higher Education. (PhD)
Pearson, Marion (2008). Characteristics of UBC Pharmacy Students Associated with Rural Job Selection. (MA)
Karlberg, Anne Marie. (2007). Assessment in a Tribal College Context: A Case Study of Northwest Indian College. (PhD)
Delgatty, Elinor. (2006). The Integration of Information Technology and Academic Advising: A Canadian Study. (MA)
Adamuti-Trache, Maria. (2003). Post-Secondary Paths in Science for B.C. Young Women and Men. (MA)
Kirkptrick, Edith. (2003) “Plus C’est La Meme Chose”: University Faculty’s Perceptions of Learning Technologies. (MA)
Warick, Ruth. (2003) Unheard Voices: The Academic and Social Experiences of University Students Who are Hard of Hearing. (PhD)
Retelle, Ellen. (2003) Understanding the Dynamics of the Transition to the Elementary Vice-Principalship. (PhD)
Lyakhovetska, Regina. (2003) Welcome to Canada? Experiences and Views of Internationnal Graduate Students at the University of British Columbia. (MA)
Courses taught
EDST 602: Second Year PhD Seminar
EDST 571: Educational Research: Relating Questions, Theory and Methodology (MA Seminar)
EDST 536: Higher Education Systems in Canada
EDST 521: Foundations of Higher Education
EDST 512: Transitions and Access Across the Life Course
EDST 513: Issues in Higher Education
EDUC 500: Research Methods in Education
EDST 515: Survey Research Methods
EDST 508a: Analyzing Survey Data
EDST 493: Introduction to the Study of Higher Education