
Sep 01, 2020

Welcome Dr. Amy Parent

The department of Educational Studies welcomes Dr. Amy Parent as our newest faculty member! Visit her bio:


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Aug 24, 2020

Dr. Jason Ellis on CBC and The New York Times

UBC education studies associate professor Jason Ellis speaks with Stephen Quinn about the 1937 health crisis and how we tackled education back then. Will It Be Safe to Return to School? Plans to ensure safe classes vary by province and school board or are still in the works. Dr. Jason Ellis offers his view […]


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Two publications – Jenalee Kluttz, Dr. Jude Walker and Dr. Pierre Walter

Two new publications, Learning towards decolonising relationships at standing rock and Unsettling allyship, unlearning and learning towards decolonising solidarity, written by EDST’s Jenalee Kluttz, Dr. Jude Walker and Dr. Pierre Walter, have been published in Studies in the Education of Adults.   Kluttz, J., Walker, J. & Walter, P. (2020). Learning towards decolonising relationships at […]


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Aug 13, 2020

Welcome Dr. Margaret Kovach

A warm welcome to Dr. Margaret Kovach who started at Educational Studies this August! Visit her profile here:


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Aug 12, 2020

New Article – Drop Tuition Fees – Dr. Alison Taylor

Dr. Alison Taylor has written a new article on The Conversation – Drop tuition fees: University students face a precarious future amid COVID-19 Link:


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Aug 10, 2020

New Publication: Mapping a pre-global history of lifelong education with Google Books

New publication Mapping a pre-global history of lifelong education with Google Books: 1839 – 1959 in the International Journal of Lifelong Education Author: Lena Ignatovich Link here:  


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Jul 31, 2020

EDST in the news – School restart plan – Dr. Jason Ellis

“Jason Ellis, a University of B.C. professor, called the ministry’s plan “ambitious” and noted it is important that kids can safely return to classrooms. “For their own learning to be interrupted for so long will have long-term consequences. And it’s vitally important to them socially because school is where they interact with their peers,” he […]


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Jul 21, 2020

Dr. Wright on CBC News – BLM

Dr. Handel Wright is featured in this CBC News article Black with a capital ‘B’: Why it took news outlets so long to make a change that matters to so many


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Jul 15, 2020

Shauna Butterwick – UBC Community Engagement Partnership Recognition Fund


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Jul 10, 2020

Dr. Metcalfe – ICE Rules Are an Attack on Immigration and Higher Education

Dr. Amy Scott Metcalfe has an open letter about Immigration and Higher Education on Inside Higher Education. Link:


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