Research Interests
Research Supervision Interests
Individual research Interests
Research and Education
Research Projects
Selected Publications
Policies and Pedagogies of Canadian Offshore School Programs: Geopolitical Dynamics, Internationalization, and New Modalities of Coloniality. London: Routledge, 2024 (co-edited with F. Wang)
Course Syllabi in Faculties of Education: Bodies of Knowledge and Their Discontents, International Perspectives. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020. (co-edited with M. Stack)
Au-delà d’une école à deux vitesses: Pour une école fondamentale juste et équitable en Haïti. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2015. (co-authored with G. Fallon)
Private Tutoring Across the Mediterranean: Power Dynamics and Implications for Learning and Equity. Series in Comparative and International Education. The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2013. (Co-edited with M. Bray & R.G. Sultana)
Education and the Arab ‘World’: Political Projects, Struggles, and Geometries of Power. World Yearbook of Education Series. New York & London: Routledge, 2010. (Co-edited with R.G. Sultana)
Pathologizing Practices: The Impact of Deficit Thinking on Education. New York: Peter Lang, 2005. (Co-authored with C. Shields & R. Bishop)
Between State and Church: Life-History of a French-Catholic School in Jaffa. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Europäischer Verlag der Wissenschaften, 1996. (Co-authored with O. Ichilov)
- Special Issue co-edited by Hartej Gill, Deirdre M. Kelly, Kelsey Sablan Martin, André Elias Mazawi: Indigenous Historiographies, Place, and Memory in Decolonizing Educational Research, Policy, and Pedagogic Praxis: Special Issue in Honour and Memory of Professor Michael Marker (1951-2021), The Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education, 18(2), 2024.
(De)colonial Pedagogical Possibilities of Films & Film Festivals
Two-parts Special Issue (guest co-edited with Sonia Medel):
- The (De)colonial Pedagogical Possibilities of Films & Film Festivals (Part 1), Postcolonial Directions in Education, 8(2), 2019.
- The (De)colonial Pedagogical Possibilities of Films & Film Festivals (Part 2), Postcolonial Directions in Education, 9(1), 2020.
“‘Talking in/talking out’: Indigenous knowledge, filmmaking, and the decolonial poetics of visual sovereignty”. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 8(2), 155-184, 2019. (D. Christian, S. Medel, & A.E. Mazawi)
Educational Policies and the Cultural Politics of Schooling
“Assemblages of territory, political authority, and rights: On the ‘bordering capabilities’ of BC-Certified offshore school programs”, in Policies and Pedagogies of Canadian Offshore School Programs: Geopolitical Dynamics, Internationalization, and New Modalities of Coloniality, edited by F. Wang and A.E. Mazawi. London: Routledge, 2024.
”Leçons de Ténèbres: Colonialism and political struggles over teacher education among Palestinians”, in Course Syllabi in Faculties of Education: Bodies of Knowledge and Their Discontents, International Perspective, edited by A.E. Mazawi and M. Stack. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
“Colonialismes, adversités et statut apatride : La condition enseignante dans le contexte palestinien”. Formation et Profession, 27(1), 37-52, 2019.
“School textbooks and entanglements of the ‘colonial present’ in Israel and Palestine”, in Pedagogy, Politics and Philosophy of Peace, edited by Carmel Borg and Michael Grech. London: Bloomsbury, 2016.
“Grammars of privatization, schooling, and the ‘network state’”, in Education and the Political: New Theoretical Articulations, edited by Tomasz Szkudlarek, pp. 41-60. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2013.
“Education as spaces of community engagement and a ‘capacity to aspire’”, in Educators of the Mediterranean: Up Close and Personal, edited by R.G. Sultana, pp. 227–39. Rotterdam, The Netherlands: Sense Publishers, 2011.
“‘Which Palestine should we teach?’ Signatures, palimpsests, and struggles over school textbooks“, Studies in Philosophy and Education, 30(2), 169–83, 2011.
“‘Also the school is a temple’: Republicanism, transnational spaces and the schooling of Muslim youth in France”, in Being Young and Muslim: New Cultural Politics in the Global North and South, edited by L. Herrera & A. Bayat, pp. 177–87, notes on pp. 377–79. New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Read/Listen to an interview with the co-editors.
“‘Qui a peur du lycée musulman?’: Media representations of a Muslim school in France”, Social Semiotics, 19(3), 235–56, 2009.
“Governing the ‘new administrative frontier’: ‘Cohering’ rationalities and educational leadership in British Columbia”, Management in Education, 23(2), 71–77, 2009 (Co-authored with M. Stack).
“Dis/integrated orders and the politics of recognition: Civil upheavals, militarism, and educators’ lives and work“, Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies, 13(2), 69–89, 2008. (also, reprinted as a book chapter in 2009)
Deconstructing Discourses on the ‘Knowledge Society’
“Naming the Imaginary:”Building an Arab Knowledge Society” and the Contested Terrain of educational Reforms for development”, in Trajectories of Education in the Arab World: Legacies and Challenges, edited by O. Abi-Mershed, pp. 201–25. London: Routledge, 2010.
“‘Knowledge society’ or work as ‘spectacle’? Education for work and the prospects of social transformation in Arab societies”, in Educating the Global Workforce: Knowledge, Knowledge Work and Knowledge Workers, edited by L. Farrell & T. Fenwick, pp. 251–67. London: Routledge, 2007.
“Globalization, Development, and Policies of Knowledge and Learning in the Arab States”, in New Society Models for a New Millennium – The Learning Society in Europe and Beyond, edited by M. Kuhn, pp. 335–84. New York, NY: Peter Lang, 2007.
State Policies, Higher Education Governance, and the Shaping of the Academic Profession
“Beyond rankings and impact factors”. University Rankings and the Politics of Knowledge, edited by M. Stack (pp. 225-242) Toronto, ON: University of Toronto Press, 2021. (with M. Stack)
“Policy politics of higher education in the Gulf Cooperation Council member states: Intersections of globality, regionalism and locality”, in Higher Education in the Gulf States: Shaping Economies, Politics and Culture, edited by C. Davidson and P. Mackenzie Smith, pp. 59-72. SOAS Middle East Issues Series. London: Al-Saqi Books in association with The London Middle East Institute at SOAS, 2008.
“Besieging the king’s tower? En/gendering academic opportunities in the Gulf Arab states”, in Aspects of Education in the Middle East and North Africa, edited by C. Brock and L. Zia Levers, pp. 77-97. Oxford Studies in Comparative Education. Oxford: Symposium Books, 2007.
“State power, faculty recruitment and the emergence of constituencies in Saudi Arabia”, in Education in the Muslim World: Different Perspectives – An Overview, edited by R. Griffin, pp. 55-78. Oxford, UK: Symposium Books, 2006.
“Contrasting perspectives on higher education governance in the Arab states”, in Higher Education: Handbook of Theory and Research, Volume 20, 133-189. Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer Science, 2005.
“The academic profession in a rentier state: The case of the Saudi Arabian professoriate”, Minerva: A Review of Science, Learning and Policy, 43(3), 221-244, 2005.
“Divisions of academic labor: Nationals and non-nationals in Arab Gulf universities”, International Journal of Contemporary Sociology, 40(1), 91-110, 2003.
“The academic workplace in Arab Gulf public universities”, in The Decline of the Guru: The Academic Profession in Developing and Middle-Income Countries, edited by P.G. Altbach, pp. 231-269. New York: Palgrave Press, 2003.
Educational Policies, Schooling, and the Reproduction of Social Inequalities
“Dependence on state funding, local educational opportunities, and access to high school credentials in Israel”, Educational Studies, 30(2), 145-158, 2004. (Co-authored with A. Addi-Raccah)
“Concentrated disadvantage and access to educational credentials in Arab and Jewish localities in Israel”, British Educational Research Journal, 25(3), 355-370, 1999.
“Elite formation under occupation: The internal stratification of Palestinian elites in the West Bank and Gaza Strip”, British Journal of Sociology, 50(3), 397-418, 1999. (Co-authored with A. Yogev)
“Educational opportunities, parental choice, community structure and mobility: The case of the Arab community of Jaffa” in: Autonomy and Choice in Context: An International Perspective, edited by R. Shapira & P.W. Cookson, pp. 135-160. Oxford: Elsevier Science, 1997. (Co-authored with O. Ichilov)
“Region, locality characteristics, high school tracking and equality in access to educational credentials: The case of Palestinian Arab communities in Israel”, Educational Studies, 24(2), 223-240, 1998.
“Competition over school-management positions and the mediation of social inequalities: A case study of High Court of Justice petitions against the appointment of principals in public Arab schools in Israel”, Israel Social Science Research, 11(1), 87-114, 1996.
“University education, credentialism and social stratification among Palestinian Arabs in Israel”, Higher Education, 29(4), 351-368, 1995.
“Palestinians in Israel: Educational expansion, social mobility and political control”, Compare: A Journal of Comparative Education, 24(3), 277-284, 1994.
Schooling and Political Socialization
“Educational expansion and the mediation of discontent: The cultural politics of schooling in the Arab states”, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23(1), 59-74, 2002.
“The contested terrains of education in the Arab states: An appraisal of major research trends”, Comparative Education Review, 43(3), 332-352, 1999.
“Contested regimes, civic dissent and the political socialization of children and adolescents: The case of the Palestinian uprising”, in: Citizenship and Citizenship Education in a Changing World, edited by O. Ichilov, pp. 83-97. London: Woburn Press, 1998.
“Teachers’ role patterns and the mediation of sociopolitical change: The case of Palestinian Arab school teachers”, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 15(4), 497-514, 1994.
“Israeli adolescents’ comprehension and evaluation of democracy”, Youth and Society, 21(2), 153-169, 1989. (Co-authored with O. Ichilov & D. Bar-Tal)
Literary Studies
“Bajazet en arabe: Entre traduction et acculturation”, in Jean Racine et L’Orient, edited by I. Martin and R. Elbaz, pp. 53-62. Tübingen, Germany: Gunter Narr Verlag, 2003. (Co-authored with I. Martin) (in French)
Educational policy in British Columbia:
- Campus 2020 and the Future of British Columbia’s Post-Secondary Education: Critical Responses and Policy Perspectives. Vancouver, BC: University of British Columbia, Centre for Policy Studies in Higher Education and Training, 2007. (Co-authored by A.S. Metcalfe, A.E. Mazawi, K. Rubenson, D. Fisher, M. MacIvor, J. Meredith).
- Fostering Tomorrow’s Educational Leaders. British Columbia: The Association of BC Deans of Education, 2006. (Co-authored by M. Stack, D. Coulter, G. Grosjean, A. Mazawi & G. Smith).
Higher education in the Arab region:
- “The Arab spring: The higher education revolution that is yet to happen“, International Higher Education, 65, 12-13, 2011 [Reprinted as “Revolutions yet to happen“, Inside Higher Education, September 8, 2011; mirrored on African Higher Education Research Online. Translated into Arabic by Abdalla Erfan and reprinted in Al-Shourouq (Egyptian daily), issue 957, September 15, 2011, p. 11. Translated into Italian by Raffaella Cornacchini and reprinted in Universitas (in Italian), issue 124, May 2012, pp. 32-34].
- “Wars, geopolitics and university governance in the Arab states“, International Higher Education, 36, 7-9, 2004.
- “Crossing the distance: The open university in the Arab states”, International Higher Education, 18, 20-21, 2000.
- “A special focus: Knowledge, power and academe in the Arab States”, International Higher Education, 18, 2000.
- “Gender and higher education in the Arab states”,International Higher Education, 17, 18-19, 1999.
Education in Palestinian society:
- “National curricula, gender and the schooling of Palestinians“, Encyclopedia of Women and Islamic Cultures, Vol. VI, edited by S. Joseph, pp. 208-211. Leiden, The Netherlands: B.J. Brill, 2007.
- “Equality of educational opportunities as a daily practice“, Ru’a Tarbawiya (Educational Vision), 4, 18-20, 2001. (in Arabic).
Book reviews
- Review of: Beyond the Borders: The Mediterranean between cultures, migrations and life-world, edited by M. Benguerna and E. Mangone. Postcolonial Directions in Education, 5(2), 296-304, 2016.
- Review of: Gendered Paradoxes: Educating Jordanian Women in Nation, Faith, and Progress (by. F.J. Adely), Anthropology in Action, 21(1), 49-51, 2014.
- Review of: Palestinian State Formation: Education and the Construction of National Identity (by N. Hovsepian), Arab Studies Quarterly, 32(3), 171-173, 2010.
- Review of: Multiculturalism, Muslims and Citizenship: A European Approach (edited by T. Modood, A. Triandafyllidou & E. Zapata-Barrero), International Sociology Review of Books, 24(2), 204-209, 2009.
- “Schooling and curricular reforms in Arab and Muslim societies“, The Middle East Journal, 62(2), 329-337, 2008.
- Review of: Oasis of Dreams: Teaching and Learning Peace in a Jewish-Palestinian Village in Israel (by G. Feuerverger), Comparative Education Review, 46(4), 522-525, 2002.
- Review of: Education and the Arab World: Challenges of the Next Millennium, Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 23(3), 396-404, 2001.
- “The reconstruction of Palestinian education: Between history, policy politics and policy making”, The Journal of Education Policy, 15(3), 371-375, 2000.
In Canada
“The Commodification of Knowledge: Scholarship, World University Rankings and the Changing Nature of Academic Work”. Panel organized by UBC’s Emeritus College. UBC: The Liu Institute, April 11, 2019.
Opening Keynote. “Thoughts in/action, scholarship, and engaging the public good”, PhDs Go Public 2019 Research Talk Series, Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, UBC & Vancouver Public Library, Vancouver, March 29, 2019.
“‘Bearing witness to the human’: Human rights and social justice between empires and diversity”. Guest speaker at Port Moody Secondary Amnesty International Club event ‘Talent Talks’. Port Moody, BC: Inlet Theatre, June 18, 2014.
“Education as human right: Philosophical and sociological perspectives”. Seminar on School Law: Education in the 21st Century – Facing the Challenge of Change. Vancouver, BC: Continuing Legal Education Society of British Columbia, March 10, 2011.
“Statelessness, human displacement, and the prospects of teacher education”. Keynote delivered at the 6th International Symposium on New Issues in Teacher Education (ISNITE). University of Malta, Malta, September 18, 2019.
“Terra firma? Entangled fractures and the redemption of Mediterranean educational research”. Keynote delivered at the Conference on Teacher Education and Educational Research in the Mediterranean. University of Malta, Malta, 9 June 2018.
“The location of globalization: ‘Building dwelling thinking’ higher education“. Keynote delivered at the Globalization and Education Special Interest Group (SIG) Meeting. Comparative and International Education Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC: March 10, 2016.
“Multiculturalisme et interculturalisme au Canada: enjeux, expériences, et politiques éducatives entre indigènéïté, colonialisme, et état-nation”. Keynote delivered at the MAS Éducation internationale et recherche. Geneva, Switzerland: University of Geneva, April 23, 2015 (in French).
“On the contested terrain of educational innovations”. Invited Keynote Presentation at the INSEAD Innovation and Policy Initiative (IIPI) Seminar. Abu Dhabi: United Arab Emirates, April 22, 2014.
“International mobility: Students preparation and quality offer.” Invited presentation by the Coimbra Group of Brazilian Universities, V International Seminar and VI General Assembly. Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil, October 4, 2013.
“Competing temporalities and geographies of university lifelong learning: Higher education landscapes, knowledge flows, and translations of citizenship.” Keynote address prepared for the 44th Annual Conference of the European Association for University Lifelong Learning (EUCEN) on Border-crossing as a viable choice: Collaboration, dialogue and access to higher education. Valletta, Malta: Presidential Palace, November 7, 2012.
“Innovation in the North and South“. Global Legal Education Forum. Harvard University: Harvard School of Law & SJD Association, March 24, 2012.
“The political grammar of privatization in education: Civitas, respublica and the politics of difference.” Keynote Address delivered at the International Seminar on Privatization of Education: Current International Trends. University of Geneva: Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, December 17, 2010.
“Semiotics, geopolitics and the question of representation in textbook research”. Keynote Address and Public Lecture. Georg-Eckert Institute for International Textbook Research. Braunschweig (Lower Saxony), Germany, November 21, 2008.
“Whither an Arab ‘Knowledge Society’? Regionalism, Nation-States, and Educational Research for Development.” Keynote Address delivered at the Third Mediterranean Society of Comparative Education (MESCE) Conference. Malta, May 11-13, 2008.
- Workshop on The Governance of Higher Education in the Gulf Cooperation Council Region (University of Cambridge, UK: July 7–10, 2010, co-directed with R. G. Sultana)
- Inter-University Graduate Seminar in Educational Research (University of British Columbia) (Organizer & Convenor)
The Inter-University Graduate Seminar in Educational Research is a student scholarly event, open to graduate students. It is held every first Saturday of June, bringing together students from various higher education institutions to celebrate and share their work in a collegial, inspiring, constructive, and supportive environment. The Seminar offers an inter-disciplinary space, where participants productively engage new fields of study, drawing on innovative methodologies. It also offers a social space, where participants establish contact and build meaningful intellectual engagements with peers beyond their respective home institution and program.
Saturday, 2 June 2012 (08:00-17:00): Program. Video by Masayuki Iwase.
Saturday, 1 June 2013 (08:15-16:00): Program. Video by Masayuki Iwase.
- International Education Policy and Governance (Summer School, University of Geneva, June 10-14, 2013). Program.
- International Festival of Street Games, organised by the Association of Antique Games, Verona (Italy), September 20-22, 2013. This is an annual city-wide international popular and scholarly event dedicated to the promotion of the game culture as a playful educational space of civic, community, and cultural engagement with questions of social diversity, traditions, and inclusion (See 2014 site). Video.
- Module 6: ‘Recherche interculturelle‘, Master of Advanced Studies in International Education and Research (University of Geneva, April 2015). Program.
- ‘Pedagogy, Diversity, and Social Justice‘, Workshop offered as part of the Seminar La Pédagogie, Quelle Histoire! organised by the Institut de Formation Pédagogique of the Association Genevoise des Ecoles Privées. Geneva, Switzerland, May 17, 2016.
- GLOBED Summer School 2016, University of Malta, May 29-June 3, 2016.
Postcolonial Directions in Education
Member, Editorial Advisory Board (2012-)
Éducation en Débats: Analyse Comparée
Member, Scientific Board (2018-)
Comparative Education and the Mediterranean Region (Book series, Brill)
Member, Editorial Board (2020-)
Mediterranean Journal of Educational Studies
Member, International Board of Editors (1999-2008)
Member, Executive Editorial Board (2008-)
British Journal of Sociology of Education
Member, Editorial Board (2011-2012)
EDST Activity
Students Supervised
Doctoral students supervised have undertaken research on the intersections of power politics, organisational dynamics, educational policies, and how these intersections shape educators’ lives and work, in both Indigenous and non-Indigenous contexts. In their work, they drew on a range of organisational theories, and on the works of Michel Foucault, Pierre Bourdieu, Dorothy Smith, and Norman Fairclough, to name but a few. They have used a range of qualitative methodologies, for instance, critical ethnography, case study research, phenomenological approaches, archival research, critical discourse analysis (CDA), interviews, content analysis. Research was undertaken in sites as diverse as schools, school districts, and non-governmental organisations, both in British Columbia, The Yukon, and in different countries.
Examples of supervised doctoral work:
Simon Blakesley, Remote and Unresearched: A Contextualized Study of Non-Indigenous Educational Leaders Working in Yukon Indigenous Communities (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2010).
Peter Froese, Political Action Through Consensus: A Case Study of the Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia (Ed.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership, 2010).
Michael John Simmonds, Interpreting the Fraser Institute Secondary School Ranking in British Columbia (Ed.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership, 2012).
Georgina Martin, Drumming my Way Home: An Intergenerational Narrative Inquiry About Secwepemc Identities (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2014) [co-supervised with Jo-ann Archibald].
Peter Gordon Skipper, How Do Teachers Construct An Understanding of Teaching (Ed.D. in Educational Policy and Leadership, 2015) [co-supervised with Daniel Pratt].
Maren Elfert, The Utopia of Lifelong Learning: An Intellectual History of UNESCO’s Approach to Humanistic Education, 1945-2015 (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2016) [co-supervised with Kjell Rubenson].
Dwayne Cover, Navigating Global Policy Contexts: A Phenomenological Study of Market-Oriented Education Policy Enactments Among Administrators of International Education Programs (Ph.D. In Educational Studies, 2020).
Stephanie Glick, Resisting Shotgun Pedagogies: Understanding the Racialized, Gendered, Colonial (and Healing) Dimensions of Public Mass Gun Violence in the United States (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2022).
Esraa Al-Muftah, Inter/Nationalization of Higher Education: The Case of Academic (Im)Mobility and Knowledge Generation at Qatar University (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2023).
Mary Victor Kostandy, Teachers’ Material, Moral and Legal Conditions on World Teachers’ Day: A Networked Movement of Egyptian Teachers on Facebook (Ph.D. in Educational Studies, 2023).
Nicolas Gagnon, Transformations des pratiques d’enseignement en contexte de pandémie de covid-19: Perspectives enseignantes à l’Université Laval (EdD in Educational Policy and Leadership, 2024).
Examples of supervised M.A. theses:
- Xuehong Liao, Local Responses to Globalization: A Comparative Study of Four North American Universities’ Study Abroad Programs (M.A. in Higher Education, 2006).
- Chen Shen, The Diversification of China’s Higher Education Funding, 1996-2003 (M.A. in Higher Education, 2007).
Courses taught
Teacher Education Program
EDST 401 005 School, Education and Society
EDST 401 010 École, Éducation et Société
Graduate Program in Educational Administration & Leadership
EDST 501: Research traditions in Educational Administration [intro for EDST 553]
EDST 553: Group inquiry projects [follows EDST 501]
EDST 582: Educational Organizations
Graduate Program in Adult Learning and Education
EDST 518: Theory and Research in Adult Learning
EDST 565: Documentary Films and Festivals, Adult Learning, and Dialogic Imagination (Fall 2017)
Graduate Program in Higher Education
EDST 521: Foundations of Higher Education
PhD Program in Educational Studies
EDST 601B Doctoral Seminar in Advanced Methodologies in Education
EDST 602A Doctoral Seminar [Second Year]
EdD Program in Educational Policy and Leadership
EDST 508A: Research Methods I
EDST 508B: Research Methods II
Affiliate Professor, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research, University of Malta.
Membre Associé, Équipe de Recherche en Dimensions Internationales de l’Éducation, Faculté de Psychologie et Sciences de l’Éducation (ERDIE), Université de Genève.